Freakouts of the Right

Welcome to the Dope!

And those are great ones!

Obama and Bill Ayres (Bill Ayers wrote Obama’s book, etc)

New one: The “Raid” of Mar-a-Lago, which Republicans say is the kind of thing that only happens in third-world countries.

Um, I don’t recall Trump getting dragged naked from a truck with his testicles cut off, or, in fact, anything violent happening to him at all. In fact, this was a legally issued search warrant signed by a federal judge, and sought by the head of the FBI, who was appointed by Trump himself.

But to them, it’s the end of the world.

Well, to be fair, it might be the end of trumpworld. {Monty says gleefully.}

To be even more fairerer, no one really wanted to look for his testicles.

And lets not forget Tucker Carlson…

I wish they’d decide if they were the Gestapo or the Left is.

You didn’t get the memo? The Left are the gazpacho police.

I linked the list to a tweet yesterday, and twitter tells me over 2,500 people have visited this specific discussion because of that, so welcome to the Dope, we have cake!


Please be informed, sir, I have already stolen this.

New one: “Monkeypox is caused by THE GAYS!!!”

Also, I saw “COVID Vaccine”, but I didn’t see “China Virus” or “Escaped from a lab”.

[Graham] added that the legislation is a “tax-and-spend” bill at a time when the country can least afford it.

But he also said:

attempt to redirect the funding for the IRS to immigration enforcement every year that the agency expands.

So…we can’t afford to tax and spend or we can?

He’s a Republican, fully able to talk out both sides of his ass. The really good ones can do it in the same sentence.

It was driven home for me when then-Governor Janet Brewer proudly signed SB 1070 into law stating that the Federal government was not doing enough to protect international borders so Arizona had to, then a few months later, slow-walked implementation of Proposition 203 allowing medical marijuana, saying she was afraid of the consequences in bucking Federal policy.

Also as usual he is totally and completely wrong. Spending money on the IRS actually raises money and so reduces the deficit, it also doesn’t raise taxes. All it does is make scofflaws actually have to pay the taxes they owe. Of course naturally, actually having to obey the law is seen by Republicans as a horribly unfair burden.

Anything to increase the total amount of hatred roiling the USA…

Don’t forget the “Terrorist” Fist Bump between Barack and Michelle!

covered already

The fake sausages at Cracker Barrel

I was going to add Comet Ping Pong, but I guess that’s covered under PizzaGate.

In the most recent list, there’s two duplicates: Interracial Marriages and Michelle Obama is a man. Don’t remember if those are deliberate or not.

Have we already added the FBI to the list?