Hi I posted this earlier, but I wasn’t initially clear on some of the constraints, so I’m making a new thread and posting the constraints from the start.
I’d like the game to be something we could play together online for free (at least to start) and something that my computer could run. We tried a demo of some game and you had to pay before even being able to try it out online. I don’t mind paying for the game but I want to try it out online first.
The specs on the laptop are:
AMD Brazos 18W: E350 (2C,1.6G)
AMD Radeon™ HD 6470M
6 gb ram
Minecraft was a no.
Torchlight 2 couldn’t be played multiplayer without $.
First games that pop to mind are Perfect World and Forsaken World. They’re free to play with the option to buy extra items for money. I really enjoyed the both of them when I was able to play online games. I’m not sure exactly what you’re looking for, and a lot of the best online games were mentioned in the previous thread. Have you guys considered playing…Facebook…games together? XD There’s tons of them out there and they lean heavily on friend interactions.
Interesting concept… I think people are moving more away from FB games because of the intense interconnectivity… I mean i know i used to play heavily about 2years ago and would go through several paysafecards a month in games like Farmville… but now I have moved to online browser games such as erepublik… something to think about!
League of Legends is free, though admittedly you can’t both play it on one computer (unless you are like, “Ok I’ll steer the guy and you work the buttons” type of teamwork ) It has a bit of a learning curve but you can play Unranked (wins/losses dont matter so people tend to be more casual and goofy) or against bots (computer controlled opponents).
Its a fun free game. Though rather deceptive in its “freeness”
You want a free online multiplayer game that can be played co-op on the same PC.
I seriously can’t think of any, and I doubt there are any. The moment you say online multi-player, on PC, at least, same screen co-op kinda goes out the window.
Well, there are, like Incudus rightfully said, “free games”, but you can only play them for free up until a certain point. Although this is frustrating, it allows you to experience the game just enough to see if you like it or not. if you dont like it, leave it and move on to the next one, and if you do like it, make the purchase. Its never THAT expensive and if you enjoy gaming why not pump some spare change into something like that?!