Free Toys for Homepages

Since I launched the teemingmillions homepages thingie I have been thinking about cool toys that people can put on their sites. Seemed that a thread about it could probably collect quite a nifty list of toys, so I’z startin’ one.

One of the best collections of niftiness is (counters, guestbooks, guestmaps, etc)

What are some of your favorites?

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Agreed, Bravenet has some really good stuff.

Here’s my “little” list…

Getty Images

Corbis Images

Microsoft free clip art, photo’s, etc

Mediabuilder - free backgrounds, clip art, web elements, animation facory, etc.

HTML Gear - loads of website stuff, similar to Bravenet.

Macromedia Exchange - loads of extensions that do funky things with Macromedia products (eg, DreamWeaver, Flash, Fireworks, etc) - tonnes of HTML, Javascript, etc resources.

FlashKit - yep, you guessed it, loads of stuff for Flash. This site also has some fantastic music loops.

That’s all I can think of off the top of my head… might remember some more later.

[sub]Note, not all the stuff on some sites is royalty free, please check before using anything![/sub]

Bear in mind the image links above are not free images.
Do with that information what you wish.

I would advise skipping the various “service providors” unless you really can’t do it any other way. Most of the providers will want some sort of linkage/bannering/pop-ups etc. has HUGE amounts of javascript, html, dhtml, php, c, asp, perl, etc, etc, etc. Large amounts of the stuff are free for non-commercial use, some are even free for commercial use.

The only limitations are your own knowlege and what your host provides, for example you can’t use PHP scripts if you don’t have PHP on your server. Anyone at all can use javascript tho, and most of them are relativly plug-n-play.

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