Frigging 'links' folder bookmark

Under the ‘favorites’ menu is a folder called ‘Links’. For some reason, this completely nondescript title offends me. Useful titles like “Federal,” “Provincial,” “dailies,” and “relatives” all mean something, but ‘links’ is pretty damn pointless.

So I delete the sucker. Poof, gone, sensibilities restored.

Except the damn folder keeps restoring itself as well.

Please tell me, oh SDMB gurus, how do I remove this Lazarus-like folder and make it stay dead?

Much obliged

I know it’s not quite an answer, but the links folder has one use: you can display its contents on the IE browser bar itself (by right-clicking on a blank bit of toolbar and checking ‘links’). I use it for shortcuts to my three or four most visited sites, so I just have a button for each.

As to the question…