Frisbeetarians believe that our souls were thrown up on the roof, and no one has yet gone up to get them. This is a very real possibility given the number of Frisbees still on roofs and people without souls.
HoolaHoopians, on the other hand, maintain that the centrifugal force of their spinning hoops transcend biological euphoria and leads their adherents to a state of Googlehood.
Sillyputtians have other ideas. Wiffleballians disagree entirely. Badmintians, by their very nature, have little to say on this matter.
If I was going to waste $14.95, I would light a fine cigar with 14.00, then throw .95 at someone. Hard. But to join a BBS just to post like the OP? I dunno.
as the child of a hula-hooparian mother and a sillyputtyist father, (please, get your terminology straight) who briefly flirted with jacksism as a teenager, i must say that my twenties have shown me to the truth; that there is but one gord, and moolah is his profit.
Moderator’s Note:Alonzo John Blitz please don’t start nonsense threads in Great Debates; and please don’t call other posters “bitch” in GD in any event.