Libertarian is a bully, a bully, bully

Bully for you!

I meant to post this quite sometime ago, but I become quite busy!

In my thread about superstitious people, Libertarian took a great big witnessing shit in it. He went on about how his theory of how god existed, which was proven to be shit, which only worked if you were allowing the fact god does exist, and totally derailed my thread. He used terms unfamilar to me, he quoted and referenced philiosopher people with great glee, as if they were supposed to justify his ideas and make him appear smarter. He expected me to understand things only in the way he described it. He bullied me around. He is a great big shithead. I hate him.

Who is with me?

became, became, became. shit.

Sorry if that wrong use of that word totally derailed/destroyed your understanding of my post and crushed your virginity like a fly.

Also, when called on his bullshit, he mysteriously disappears :confused: WHERE TO LIBERTARIAN, WHERE TO?

“Boo hoo hoo, Libertarian is smarter than me! That’s not fair! Boo hoo hoo!”


I’m not saying that Lib always behaves appropriately, but this is a really lame rant.

I don’t get it. Is this like, “Teacher the big kids aren’t playing fair.”?

So basically he out-debated you … and you’re pitting him for this?

Did you ask for clarification? If you did and he didn’t give you any, then you’re justified, but if you whined and did nothing else…

You asked for logical proof of the existence of God. Or, at least, that you would accept it. Lib provided it.

[sub]I don’t think ‘logical proof’ means what you think it means[/sub]

Does this qualify me for the Pit race? I’m somewhere near Manhattan, right? :smiley:

(NHIBI: I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. I didn’t mean to.)

did you read anything i wrote?

i am compalining because he derailed my thread! and put pointless shit i could not give a rip about, and expected me to accept it on his terms!

no, i am complaining that he derailed my topic, then referenced names/quotes/terms to say and show “look how smart i am, i am using THESE words!”, when he really is not as smart as he tries to put himself as.

i am fineing that policeman for keeping me from my car

Libertarian, when I read some libertarian’s beliefs i think of them as “LOLbertarians” because their ideas are so harebrained, can you link me to sites that will show otherwise?

I don’t always agree with Libertarian, but I do respect his conspicuously high class scholarship. I’m not sure at what point someone who is your intellectual senior crosses a line and strikes a condescending tone, buts it’s a subjective one at best.

Bottom line is, unless your can cite some specific example of conduct that is over the line you better just suck it up. Or you canr ‘piss and moan like an impotent jerk.’

Whatever finds your fancy, I always say.

What do you hope to accomplish here?

i don’t care if he is my intellectual superior(which he probably is). it’s the way you use it, baby. if you’re smarter and a intellectual superior to everyone, does it not matter if you act like a shit?

Honey, topics are derailed all the time. Welcome to the Pit.

And yes, he is smarter than you (or rather, more educated) and that is what you are whining about. If you want to convince us that he “is not as smart as he tries to put himself as” (huh) then you’ll have to do more than just repeat that statement over and over again. You’ll have to offer some proof.

Sorry, still a lame rant.

I am just asking, because most libertarians seem to be silly, greedy “All for me, none for you” people, and I would like some proof otherwise, ok? That is my mission!

No he didn’t, he just came up with a ridiculous hijack of a thread about the supernatural.

The proof may have been logically correct. But that doesn’t make it an accurate representation of the real world.

nope, not what i’m complaining about.

when come back, stop humping libertarian’s butt.

If you’re ignorant and need further education, does it not matter if you act like a pathetic whiner?

Listen—some of the people who debate here pull out the Big Guns. I don’t think I’m as stupid as a sack of hair (and I’m certainly not saying that you are) but some of these people scare me, they’re so smart. Out in the “real world” people tell me I am smart, (and in fact, I don’t think I’m any dummy), but this is the Straight Dope. This isn’t the real world. I’ve learned to know my limits in this place. I suggest that you learn yours as well.

And stop whining. It doesn’t make you look any smarter.