After the first Fiat commercial that Italian chick was the hottest thing on earth. I had more than one happy fleeting moment of fantasy. And was kind of hoping to see her again.
Now I just saw the second one. Somehow just touching Charlie Sheen and smiling at his leer, and now she seems seriously skanky. He i has somehow just come pure scum instantiated, and her being is now corrupted permanently by association. She could have gone graphic on Ron Jeremy and it wouldn’t have seemed quite as sleazy.
Not Italian. Romanian.
Bah, who cares, it wasn’t her passport I was interested in
Still stunning if you check her out on PTSOTL.
Yeah, we’ve all seen that one. Where’s the other?
Got it. Didn’t know it was another Abarth commercial. Yeah, Sheen is an odd choice. He’s pretty gaunt and beaten-up looking.
She, however, is still spectacular.
I’d be more impressed if I thought Sheen was actually driving the car.
First one was better. But I do love Charlie Sheen.
You are aware that people in other countries don’t get the same adverts as you?
Anyone else mildly offput by calling an actress a “filth skank” because you don’t like a role she played? We are, after all, talking about a real person.
Is this thread about a real person? Or is it about a persona created by an actress for a series of commercials?
I think its meant more as an insult directed at Sheen (who does look like he’s really let himself go in that commercial) rather then the actress.
Funny… the main thing I thought while watching that commercial wasn’t that the Romanian chick is some kind of skank, or that Sheen has really gone downhill, but rather that the Fiat is tiny enough to drive in a house! Like a go-cart or something.
OK, I haven’t been following the Charlie Sheen thing closely enough to get any skank-by-association from him, but even aside from that, she’s still not nearly as hot in the second commercial as in the first. Maybe it’s just because she gets so little screen time, or because she doesn’t speak (like most romance languages, Italian is sexy).
If you reread, the phrase was directed at the actress. So no, she was pretty definitely the one being insulted.
I read it correctly the first time. She seems a “filthy skank” merely because Sheen smiled her. The phrase was directed at the actress, but the insult was at Sheen, it didn’t really have anything to do with the woman.
Don’t care.