FUCK ME!!! I’ve got enough fucking animals.
Both my “technical” in laws died recently so now we have 8 fucking cats. 2 of them won’t acknowledge my existence so I really only correspond with 6 of them. And only one of them is mine. I love all 6 of 'em and don’t want them to leave, they all the have their little quirks that make me smile and make my day better… Until it comes to cat box sifting time…
Dogs, I brought one in to this relationship, and then another appeared at the shop. I love both them pups too. Luck as it may be, the older one, 7 years old, lymphoma. The younger, 3 years, bad kidneys(though I think it was dehydration).
So the younger dog that showed up at the shop, she was about 9 weeks, tiny, cute, a little shy, no tail, kind of goofy looking. I looked for an owner, nobody gave 2 shits, its the way of the area… Don’t fix your dog, it gets knocked up and then when the pups get out… Oh Well.
Now this one.
Last Tuesday, my big dog and my little dog are going nuts. Chasing a ratty little dog up and down the fence barking their fool heads off. Happens occasionally here, usually the outside the fence dog be-bops along and goes away. Nope, I went out and the offending dog was kind of friendly and really young.
FUCK!!! So I coral my dogs in the office and wait it out. 3 hours later the offending dog is still right outside the front door. FUCK. Its hot, its got to be
thirsty, and only a dick wouldn’t bring it water.
So I brought it water… First thing this dog did was piss all over itself, and roll over and present its scrawny belly at my feet. So I scrubbed the piss covered scrawny belly and rolled it over and pointed its snout into the water bowl, while getting pissed on. (submissive pissing). Little dog, about 25lbs, drank a half
gallon of water.
I realized that the little piss machine was really young, I’m guessing 4-5 months and really skinny, so I coaxed it inside to eat, and it ate, and ate, and ate, over a days worth of food for a 90lb dog.
First time I’ve ever sat there and watched a creatures belly increase in size, in real time, as it ate. Amazing.
So, eventually the bowl was empty, and it wanted more… Then it decided that I was the “bestest thing ever”. Hyper, crazy, GRATEFUL… Did I mention I don’t need another fucking dog, and I’m a sucker…
Brought her home and the little lady is trying to name it… I’m trying to give it away. I did put up ads, nobody wants to claim it, though I did get one call from 1000 miles away…
The poor dog, learned what kung fu kitty justice is (yelp) and we all heard about it (yelp yelp yelp). Made friends with some of the other kitty’s. My big dog couldn’t give 2 shits less, but my little dog, she’s pissed, she’s supposed to be the little misbehaved dog. But she’s having fun wrestling with the new little dog.
I don’t need this fucking dog. She’s laying here at my feet. When she showed up she was scrawny, now you can’t feel her backbone anymore. Her back claws were worn and her fronts were sharp, like she spent her life jumping at a fence. Her front claws are now half worn.
She just rolled over and realized she wasn’t touching my foot anymore, so she had to get up and reposition. FUCK.
I’m so pissed off, then I lean over and rub its belly.
I’m so pissed off that some asshole had this little pup in a pen, didn’t pay attention to it and won’t respond to ads that its missing. (exactly how I got my
last dog).
Its been 6 days, I finally put a collar on her, and she didn’t complain, she seemed to take it as a badge of honor and had to go show everybody… weird, usually they whine and complain and kick at the damn thing the first time they get one.
Fuck… I think I’m stuck with this thing.