Fuck This

Andy as voice of reason! I like it.

ETA: Madmonk, that’s silly. Someone should try an experiment in which they simply post Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham quotes as their own. They would get banned for inflammatory hate speech or whatever in no time.

Please, the conservatives on this board get away with murder and still piss and moan like little bitches.

this is the first thread where I have ever made an unkind comment towards another, where they had not made one at me prior, and only to someone who jokes that Jews are vermin. You tactfully made an observation about me here, and I am not insulting you becasue your post was sincere and not hateful, and one I will do some self analysis on.

All two of them? They really don’t get away with anything that other posters don’t. Trust me, I’ve seen every crybaby thread about this in ATMB.

Why should we trust you? YOU’RE HITLER!

I’m going to be the third or fourth or fifth or whatever the number is now to suggest to BPC that some deep breaths, a nice cup of tea and maybe some Valium would be a good idea. I don’t mean that in a snarky way. If someone is going to get banned around here I want it to be Ditka, not BPC. Ditka is a deliberately provocative, calculating troll who enjoys creating this kind of shitstorm.

Could I trouble you to pack up some of your sanity in a box and mail it to me? I could really use some of that right now, and it seems like you have enough to share.

BPC, may I reccomend a nice, quiet vacation? You’ve been seriously high strung lately.

How old are you?

You’re fucking kidding me, right? I once got a warning for calling abortionists baby-killers. But conservatives are the protected class?

You ever notice how everyone places bets on when the conservative will be banned, but Der Trihs is still here? Why exactly do you think that is?

This is literally pitting someone for protesting against Godwinizing. But yeah, conservatives get special leeway…myuhu.

That’s pretty funny!

Hey, aren’t you the guy who chauffeurs human trafficking victims around?

I think there’s an extraneous “o” in his username.

Because I barely post anymore. And never in Great Debates or Elections.

…when our nation was grieving just a few months ago I had to deal with this:

I didn’t let the bastard win then, don’t let that bastard win now. Use the ignore button if you have too. Take a time out. The fight against ignorance needs people who can write OP’s like this.

I thought this was a really strange post, but then I saw this.

So you’re actually a professional asshole, and not just auditioning to be one.

How do you define letting an anonymous message poster win? Or how did you stop him from “winning”? Did you get that guy released from jail?

Every time I see you get indignant, I think of the time that you hopped a turnstile, got called out on it, and complained that you should have gotten a free pass because you are a more important person than the guy who told you that you can’t hop turnstiles.

Your public freak outs are not as convincing or endearing as you think they are.

I freely admit being bigoted against the board conservatives, but it’s that soft lowered-expectations flavor of bigotry.

…fuck off troll.

oooh, you sure got me! :rolleyes:

Estimate: Before Labor Day (US).
Hope: So fast it makes gods blink.