Fuck This

Truthfully, I have at times thought “what would Andy do?” Mostly that means I delete things I shouldn’t post, but occasionally it bleeds over to meat-space. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, he is.

I wish you would nudge your boundaries and bit and start posting more.

Oh come on. That was perfectly obvious. You’re playing at Helmut’s level there.

He’s been on a steady acceleration of assholery since he started posting. When does school start again? I’d say no later than August 7.

BPC I like having you around. Please use ignore or make a voodoo doll or spend a week in Tahiti. We’d rather have you here than him.

Did you see his response when I posted that I really hate the school vacation seasons in the US?


BPC, instead of trying to get someone ignored, perhaps try citable facts and reasoning instead of losing your temper online. Or, fpbp, relax, it’s just a 'net forum.

Driving for Uber = human trafficking chauffeur. Okaaayy then. :rolleyes:

Get a grip.

Here you go, a “twofer”.


What a nice thing to say. :slight_smile:

The Dope has taken steps to address the sexism on this board, but we just don’t do much to curtail the racists. I think it’s because this is largely a place for old white people and we don’t prioritize, or even really see the casual racism thrown around here. Because we don’t do anything to control it, people lose their temper and lash out at members of the cadre of racists from time to time. You’re more likely to get a warning here for calling a racist a racist than they are for their racist trolling.

We still have a long way to go on misogyny too – see this thread: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=877699

Some pretty disgusting mockery and dehumanization of a woman for nothing more than telling her story.

Doesn’t work, trying to argue with “citable facts and reasoning” just plays into the hands of the fascists and people who use similar rhetorical tactics. Treating them with respect like that makes fascism more respectable, and is utterly ineffectual as an argument since they don’t reciprocate.

Wrong. The minute you stop caring about “citable facts and reason” you’ve lost the argument, lost the moral high ground, and proven that you’re no better than the worst of your opponents.

You, and the other extremists here such as the OP, need to realise that just because some people have different priorities and opinions to you deosn’t make them evil/

As for the OP, the moment you start trying to “tone police” a discussion, to try to limit the ways in which things can be discussed, you’ve also lost. Shutting down discussion and debate is what extremist, anti-democratic politicians try to do. Currently, it’s what Trump is doing to a large extent, and to a lesser extent in the US what Ilhan Omar is doing. You should try to be better than them - but having read many of your posts, it’s clear that you are not.

BPC, you remind me of myself in winter sometimes. A little bit of cabin fever, maybe a tendency to booze up a bit too much?

But it’s summertime now. Time to go out and enjoy the pool:cool:

You could [list=A][li]Put him on Ignore []Start yet another thread in ATMB whining that anyone who doesn’t confess the One True Faith that Trump is a Nazi is trolling, or []Grow a pair.[/list]Your call.[/li]

Didn’t you get a warning for insulting me and another poster in the Women’s World Cup thread? I don’t remember insulting you there – maybe you could post where I did.

Or, just admit that the above is a lie. Either way works for me.

Bullshit. Some opponents are quite genuinely not worth the waste of mental effort that goes into assuming they can be reached by facts and reason.

I’ll make the same argument I always do when this pops up. You’re not only making your case to your direct debate opponent. You’re making it to the 100-1 who are just reading and lurking. To do otherwise is to leave the field to your rival.

This. Posts like this are why the board could really use an upvote function.


It’s not about the opponent, it’s about you. If your position is valid, you can defend it with cites and reason, and you should do that. Getting angry or insulting may well be fun and cathartic, but you should always be able to back it up.

And some people can be reached. I’ve changed my opinion about a few things based on cites and reason, most notably trans issues in the last few years.

That’s why we made him king.

He got better.

And put me down for the end of July for the HD banning. Either one.