Fuck Windows

I can’t tell you why. Must have lost me senses for a bit. I installed Windows 10, mainly I guess because there was a prompt to do every goddamed time I logged in. So I did, even though I was working with Windows 7 nearly trouble free till the last Windows update stopped all my old PC game disks from loading.

So now I have Windows 10! And it’s different!

But it’s not better. In fact, it’s not as good. It’ ugly.Most of the features I have learned and come to rely on, if still existing, are in a different place.

It has Windows Edge! An upgrade from Internet Explorer 11! And it’s different.

But it’s not better. In fact, it’s not as good. It’s ugly. Most of the features I have learned and come to rely on, if still existing, are in a different place. For no good reason. I mean, generations of customers have learned to use your systems. I can see improving things (which you have not done), getting things to work better (nope, not better) but why change the systems you have asked existing customers to learn? Just to be different?
Here’s something different! It no longer recognizes my goddamned disk drive! I looked up solutions on line. Updated driver! Driver is up to date. Uninstall, scan for hardware changes, restart.Still nothing. Run long, complex commands from the command prompt as administrator. Haven’t been able to run the command correctly, I guess. Still nothing.

I have been a Microsoft Windows user for 20+ years. My next computer will be a MAC.

And then absolutely everything will be different.

It’s been well established that Microsoft creates new versions of Windows to make the earlier versions seem better.

So roll back to win 7 and remove the offending update.

Windows can be a pain. But I have a bigger problem with screen doors.

I hear Windows 11 will fix all the problems and link to free 3D porn.

I’ve been a Mac user for forever, so I don’t really have a dog in this fight, but I have to say this: Windows 10 is just bizarre.
I’ve recently been working with my sister on getting my dad’s finances decoded, and she uses a Windows 10 machine. It’s like working on the Mac duplicated by that wonky Transporter in Mirror, Mirror. We must have spent 2 hours trying to get a shared DropBox folder to work, with no success, until I finally figured out that she didn’t have the DropBox app installed - she was using the Web “app,” but there was no indication that’s what it was. It also seems to deliberately hide the file system, so that actually going and finding a file one the hard drive is a real challenge. Now, I use XP, and even though I find that system pretty dated, I can at least navigate the hard drive and use the control panel, etc. Not so on 10…

Win10 is probably going to be the reason I buy a new laptop. Granted, my laptop has been hobbling along for the last year, but I easily could have gotten another 2-4 years out of it without a problem since I only use that computer for Firefox and little else.
But it’s really not taking to Win10 well at all. My Trackpad driver didn’t get updated (and trust me, I’ve tried every fix I could find on the internet) so I can no longer scroll. It doesn’t always sleep properly, so about twice a week when I open it in the morning I’ll either find off or in some odd state where the lights are on, but the screen is off (and it’s still warm) and I have to power cycle it. I always keep FF and Chrome open and for some reason every day when I open the laptop they’re rearranged on the taskbar and I have to switch them back. The screen that welcomes me when I open it is a crapshoot. Sometimes it’s a spashscreen and I have to hit enter to get to the password screen, sometimes it’s already at the password screen. I’ve lost my hotkeys and for some odd reason, they only way to set a hot key is to have a shortcut on the desktop (somewhat making the hotkey moot, somewhat). That hotkey is just for the calculator, which I use a lot and the new calculator take a lot longer to load than the old one.

I’m sure I can think of more. Also, those are just the things that are problems that I think have to do with Win10 and my laptop not getting along. Not other things I dislike about Win10. I’m not sure why they are forcing so many people to upgrade, but it bugs me that I’m going to end up buying a new computer just to fix these things.

Also, I’m not thrilled that I see the icon on my parents computer. That’ll be fun.

I recently put together a new computer. It needed an operating system, so i ordered a Win7 disk because i knew that all of my old programs worked nicely with 7, and i wanted to have that option if Win10 turned out to be no good for me.

Anyway, once i got Win7 installed, i upgraded to 10 and installed all of my programs. I thought Windows 7 was a really great operating system, and i was perfectly willing to roll back to 7 if 10 didn’t cut the mustard.

It’s only been a couple of weeks, but to be honest i think Windows 10 is completely fine. Once you get it set up how you like, and get used to a few minor differences, it really works pretty much exactly the same as Windows 7.

I have all the same programs installed that i had on Windows 7, including Office 2013, some Adobe Creative Cloud programs (Lightroom; Photoshop; Acrobat Pro; Premiere), Dragon Naturally Speaking, and all the usual browser and email and media-playing type software. I’m also using a cloud backup program call SugarSync. All of it works just fine, and i do just about everything on my computer in just about the exact same way that i did in Windows 7.

I had to go in early on and adjust some of the privacy settings, and i also took a bit of time to get my Start menu set up like i wanted. About the only thing i really don’t like is that Windows Update isn’t as customizable as it used to be. Basically, the old setting that i used to mark as standard, which required Windows to notify me before any downloads, is no longer available. Apart from that, i think it’s a fine operating system.

To the extent that people are having problems with Windows 10, it often seems to be a result of the upgrade process. Leaving all your old programs and everything in place seems to sometimes be the cause of the problem. I benefitted from the fact that i installed basically nothing between installing Windows 7 and moving to Windows 10. Even more important, i didn’t just do an in-place upgrade; i used the USB installer method and did a clean install of Windows 10.

Of course, if you’re upgrading an older computer, doing the fresh install means that you have to back up all your files and then reinstall all your programs, but people seem to report fewer problems with this method.

So, you are confused by a relatively familiar operating system and your solution is to move to an unfamiliar operating system? That’s just fucking stupid.

no shit. might as well move to Linux so you can go to a completely unfamiliar operating system and have no worthwhile software to run on it.

It’s not like I’ve never seen a MAC. My wife has one. I am on her laptop often.

So I got to recognize the drive by creating a registry subkey and restarting. It recognizes the drive! :slight_smile:

It just won’t recognize that there is a disk in it. This is a drive that worked perfectly for years, right up until…

Yes, but it does come with unlimited open source sneering.

Really? I have Puppy Linux because my hard drive died. I can’t get MP3s to play in my web browser. I’m so much better than all of you Window$ users!!1!1

I swear im gonna make a linux machine and toss out 15 years of Applications and Program files I cant use anyway.

Thanks Owindows

Everything is broke from win xp sp3 onward

Edge is an ugly piece of shit and it’s designer should dragged out back and shot. Next up, the executive who approved it, then his superior, and so on till we get to Bill Gates.

I opened Edge once. Then immediately reverted to Chrome as I was going to do anyways. The upgrade from Windows 7 was seamless on my desktop and on my Surface Pro from Win 8. Other than a couple of bsod’s on my desktop, which I attribute to a loose video card, no issues. Everything that I ran previously runs just fine on Win 10.

I’ve not had the nag thingy come up at all for me to upgrade. I assume it’s because my system isn’t compatible, though it’s not that old and quite powerful so it ought to be fine. But I take this as a good thing, because I really can’t see the need.

Windows 10 seems to be a way to make Win8 more like Win7, so in essence, apart from some minor adjustments, some fancy but useless apps, and an annoying UI change, it’s barely any different to what I have now. Aside from the fact that that technically means I’m technologically behind and will eventually be abandoned by Microsoft (in a few years yet, though), I am happy to remain on Win7 forever.

I so want this thread to show up sequentially below the one about what your exact sexual orientation is…