Fuck you Bush you LOST muthafucka!

The pleasant reality has finally sunk in: BOTH HOUSES! I cackle at you, Bush, I cackle at your loss! You are rejected! You are trounced! You are shamed! You are despised by the nation!

Where’s your “Mission Accomplished” banner now, O dry-humper of nations? Give Rummy the boot, huh? It’s YOU who should be outa there, you fucking piece of shit! Come next year, you and Dick “The Package” Cheney should resign simultaneously, making Nancy Pelosi POTUS! Then we’d have some REAL leadership for a change, muthafucka!

I cackle. I gloat! I spit on the grave of your failed domestic policies. I piss on the dying embers of your debacular international initiatives. I chant in ecstasy at the fact you’ll go down in history as the worst.president.EVAH–and even the brutish masses have begun to recognize it!

Yes, even the benighted fundies, the mouth-breathing creationists, the hayseed redstate deadenders, the cretinous abstinence boosters, the bloodthirsty braindead Iraqhawks, the foolhardy libertarious socsec privatizers, and all the other dimwitted creatures that have succored your regime–even THEY have begun to understand what a stupid, piece-of-shit FUCK you are.

Damn you to fucking hell, Dubya! Damn you for the lives you stolen and ruined! For the opportunities you’ve pissed away during your infantile rule! Damn you for your imbecility, incompetence, and insufferable condescension! Damn you for the damage that you have yet to wreak during the two years of national waterboarding that remain!

And yet I’m gratified that you shall rule in relative weakness for the remainder of your term. Despised, weak–a gigantic joke! And then we shall elect someone truly competent, and we shall once again become the Real America.

For this, I celebrate. For this, I gloat over your ignominious defeat! Fuck you, Bush, FUCK YOU!

Um, so I take it you really don’t like Bush?

I thought George was “the package”. who knew?

Damn, dude, take your meds on schedule, will you?

Very fine rant. I had to take away a few tenths because I think you made up some of them thar words, however… OTOH, you get some of it back by calling for the SIMULTANEOUS resignation of Bush and Cheney, a neat solution eliminaing the problems associated with impeachment.


You know what the first thought through my head was when I heard the election results?

“The system still works.”

Believe me, it was no small relief.

Excellent rant. I like the way you managed to take a swipe at all the scum who voted for Bush while keeping the focus clearly on Bush’s perfidy. Topnotch.

You also mailed this to Bush at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, right? That would be sweet. I don’t dare, since I work for the government, but I hope lots of other people do.

Bush wasn’t defeated, though, was he?

Nah, just superficial gloating at a loss rather than any thought towards what people like him hope to do with a shred of power. Nothing’s gonna change. I predict we’ll have similar threads in Nov 2008. Just a guess.

< claps > Excellent rant.

This election was widely regarded as a referendum on him; IIRC, many or most of the people who voted against the Republicans said Bush was a major reason why.

A solid 10 from the London judge! Very nice work :cool:

Understand that my gloating is deep, dear friend.:slight_smile:

I have no idea what you mean by the passage I bolded. People like him = incompetents? With a shred of power? How about he resigns with that remaining shred! Use your shred wisely, Dear Leader!

Come now. If anything, I think this deserves bonus points for coining such a fantastic new word as “debacular.” I, for one, am going to start using it in my day-to-day speech immediately.


Great rant, truly great rant. Nicely done. I will give it a 9.9
But really, try not to hold back so much. What do you really think about Bush & Cheney? :wink:


Only get here on Sundays, Aeschines?

I mean seriously, the tally was in five days ago. The gloat was impressive, though.

Expect a visit from the good folks at the Department of Homeland Security. Don’t worry though; you’ll get your chance to make your case when they bring you before a judge, as they are required to under the writ of habeas corpus.
Oops. Never mind. Good luck with all that.

It is nice to see the Adults in charge of congress once again.
I only hope Pelosi and Murtha have thought to increase the police presence in the senate and house office buildings between now and January. It’d be a shame if the losers were allowed to get away with looting and vandalism before they leave town.

If I’m not mistaken, I believe the “people like him” refers to the OP. If I’m reading this correctly what he’s saying is that the OP is gloating, but hasn’t offered any ideas of what should be done now that the power is in other hands.

One question: what would you have said if they Democrats HADN’T won?