The pleasant reality has finally sunk in: BOTH HOUSES! I cackle at you, Bush, I cackle at your loss! You are rejected! You are trounced! You are shamed! You are despised by the nation!
Where’s your “Mission Accomplished” banner now, O dry-humper of nations? Give Rummy the boot, huh? It’s YOU who should be outa there, you fucking piece of shit! Come next year, you and Dick “The Package” Cheney should resign simultaneously, making Nancy Pelosi POTUS! Then we’d have some REAL leadership for a change, muthafucka!
I cackle. I gloat! I spit on the grave of your failed domestic policies. I piss on the dying embers of your debacular international initiatives. I chant in ecstasy at the fact you’ll go down in history as the worst.president.EVAH–and even the brutish masses have begun to recognize it!
Yes, even the benighted fundies, the mouth-breathing creationists, the hayseed redstate deadenders, the cretinous abstinence boosters, the bloodthirsty braindead Iraqhawks, the foolhardy libertarious socsec privatizers, and all the other dimwitted creatures that have succored your regime–even THEY have begun to understand what a stupid, piece-of-shit FUCK you are.
Damn you to fucking hell, Dubya! Damn you for the lives you stolen and ruined! For the opportunities you’ve pissed away during your infantile rule! Damn you for your imbecility, incompetence, and insufferable condescension! Damn you for the damage that you have yet to wreak during the two years of national waterboarding that remain!
And yet I’m gratified that you shall rule in relative weakness for the remainder of your term. Despised, weak–a gigantic joke! And then we shall elect someone truly competent, and we shall once again become the Real America.
For this, I celebrate. For this, I gloat over your ignominious defeat! Fuck you, Bush, FUCK YOU!