FUCK YOU, Dennis Franchione!

You rotten fucking bastard! After all your fucking talk to the players about loyalty, and your impassioned entreaties for them not to leave under NCAA sanctions, you bail out.

You heartless fucking ASSHOLE.

Then, you unbelievable fucking tool, you refuse to meet with the players. You slink out of town and leave them a goddamn message.

Heh heh. My roomie says one of the frats has two signs on it.

The first one says “HEY COACH FRAN!”

Beneath it, the second one is a picture of a fist with a raised middle finger.

WHAT?! Something bad happened to the University of Alabama football team?


I’m broken up about that.


Just heartsick.
Kinda makes you wish for the loyalty shown by Bill Curry doesn’t it? Oh, wait a minute. He was shown the door because he couldn’t beat Auburn (although he beat everyone else). What goes around comes around, tide. Get over it.


Can’t beat Auburn, you have no business coaching at Alabama. I don’t make the rules, Skid Row. Fran was 1-1 in two years. Curry was 0-3 in three, with one shut out. Not good enough.

Well, Fran’s a businessman, right? Hmmm…there’s another SEC coach with a reputation for running his team like a business. Who would that be again? Ah yes, Mark Richt. We’ll see what you have to say when somebody buys him out from under you, and UGA sinks back into obscurity.

I’m glad he’s gone. Now I can stop listening to everybody I know telling me I’m full of shit “because he’ll never EVER leave Alabama!”

I hate being right. I hate it when I knew the sonofalying bastard was going to leave the whole damn time!

Yeah, double fuck you with a rusty corkscrew, Coach Scam.

Thanks for starting this thread, Ogre. I needed that little bit of steam let out, too.
Oughta see the poisonous (yet evilly polite) email I sent his sorry, lying, deceitful ass. It would never register as hate mail. I believe in killing with copperheaded kindess.

Roll Tide anyway. :mad: (<----the only Crimson smiley, and hey…totally fitting.)

You know, I’m not even a football fan (no kidding, I’ve never and will never attend a UA football game, simply because of the fanatic asshats like you.

I just think Franchione’s move was totally classless.

Kinda like what you just posted in this thread.

Disclaimer: I have no problem with UGA. My SO graduated from and works for UGA. I happen to love Athens, GA.

FTR, I actually have nothing aganst UGA either, and until Skid Row posted his intra-SEC rivalry screed, I would not have celebrated if Richt left.

Franchione’s move was completely cowardly and classless, Nocturne. You’re absolutely right. Hebegged, pleaded, and cajoled the stellar senior class this year into sticking with him and the university. Hell, the banner on his website reads, in part, “accountability, loyalty, trust.”

Scamming bastard. What he did to UA will never be forgiven, and I don’t care if Bama is 0-9 and the Aggies are undefeated, from this point on, if we face TA&M with Fran at the helm, it’s going to be a grudge match.

Franchione left.

Richt will leave for FSU soon enough.

Now, if only Ron Zook will leave. I will be one happy Gator.

Do you really think you’ve lost all that much? The guy had some great speech writers and spin doctors on board, but as a coach, he certainly wasn’t an overachiever at UA. The 3-8 team he “turned around” wasn’t really a typical 3-8 team. The poor record was due to the distractions of impending probation and coaching problems. Much like Auburn in '92, the players to win with were there, but the situation was too disruptive. When things settled down the next year, the team played up to its potential.

As a serious student of SEC football, and a more seriouser Auburn fan, I keep a close eye on the Hated Enemy**[sup]TM**[/sup]. I really didn’t see Fran do a lot above the ordinary. This year’s entire defensive front line will all be in the NFL, and so will several other players, particularly the running backs.
My read is that he knows the scholarship reductions are going to be hard to overcome for the next few years, he didn’t feel he could win big under the circumstances, so he bailed out.

If you wind up with Mike Riley you’ll have a better coach, and one that wants to be at Alabama for something besides the money and photo ops.


Silky Threat: The “Coach Scam” line is a hoot!

Ogre, you’re gonna love this: The 12th Man Foundation from Texas A&M registered the domain name “aggiecoachfran.com” on November 25th. The man knew weeks ago he was leaving.

I’m pulling for Riley to get the job, because he won’t have assistants to bring with him. I’m hoping that we can get Torbush, Pollard and Smith to stay. I’ve also heard that Jeff Rutledge could be brought on as QB coach.

I don’t like the way Franchione did things either, but back up a sec.

Ordinarily, almost EVERYBODY would agree that Alabama is a more prestigious football program than Texas A & M. Ordinarily, any coach would agree that his chances of winning a national title at Alabama are much better than at A & M.

So, why would Franchione move? Because the crooks and idiots running Alabama’s football program left him holding the bag for their misdeeds. Alabama has already been hit with some severe sanctions, and will face much WORSE sanctions before it’s over.

I DO feel bad for the players stuck with the Tide, but I don’t blame Franchione a bit for getting while the getting was good.

Maybe Bama can still get Jackie Sherrill. That would be a match made in Heaven.

Now you know how TCU felt. Or New Mexico for that matter.

I want some ironclad cites for that, or I’m gonna flame your butt from here to Schenectady. A small handful of Alabama boosters (actually, probably only one booster) allegedly provided improper benefits to sign a player. The NCAA has already hammered Alabama as though that story is completely true, although there’s doubt regarding that.

Where are you getting that much worst sanctions are still to come?

And, as info, members of Alabama’s Board of Trustees basically told Scramchione in a three-hour meeting Wednesday night that they’d do whatever it took to keep him. He left anyway. Doesn’t sound like he was left “holding the bag.”

Precisely, Sauron.

Logan Young and Ivy Williams, damn them to hell.

What astorian means, unfortunately, is that Lynn Lang, Albert Means’s rotten high school coach, is singing again. The NCAA will start another investigation, slap Alabama with more sanctions or the Death Penalty, and this time, it looks like, uh oh, Kentucky and Georgia may be in on the action too.

And if that happens, hell, don’t even bother with the Death Penalty, Alabama football will be a joke for years. Anybody remember when the best QB we could scrounge was Freddie Kitchens? It’ll be goodbye Brodie, I’m sure.

Incidentally, this is what Ivan Maisel of ESPN has to say about Franchione’s departure. It’s scathing.


Franchione should be forcibly redirected to Kentucky (my alma mater). Coaching at Kentucky is like punishment – nobody wants to come play there and no one at school gives a rat’s ass because we’re all waiting for hoops season to start.

Oh, I know Lang is plea-bargaining. But I don’t think that will bring the NCAA back to campus. I think they’ve already gotten their ton of flesh from Alabama on that score.

However, I think the NCAA might “re-open” the case in order to go after Ivy Williams and Ronnie Cottrell. They didn’t name them in the original case, because they didn’t have corroborating evidence against them. (Although that certainly didn’t stop them from hammering Bama …) Now, though, they might be able to slap a “show-cause” order on both of them, which will effectively keep them from ever coaching in the college ranks again.

I actually think Freddie Kitchens was a pretty good QB; he just had no offensive line and (I think) three different offensive coordinators while he was there. Hard for any QB to be very successful in that situation.

I read the Maisel article earlier today. Loved it. I’m glad the national press is gigging Scramchione somewhat on this. I believe he’s made a mistake, and he’ll find that out in three or four years. Assuming, of course, he’s still at A&M then.

And Kepi, you’re exactly right regarding the TCU and New Mexico fans. Some TCU folks tried to tell me what we were getting into when we hired the man, but I took it as sour grapes at the time. How wrong I was.

By the way, Silky, I would LOVE to see a copy of the email you sent his deceitful ass. Got a copy around?

Also, re: new HC’s…I’ve heard Riley’s name come up, but also Les Koenning. What do you think? Do we take him out of the OC job (where he made Bama the #1 offense in the SEC and the 1st in the nation in time of possession?)

Do we hunt down Gene Stallings, Joe Willie Namath, and Snake Stabler, hogtie 'em, and force them to coach? :slight_smile:

…and people wonder why I’m paranoid that somebody in the NCAA has it in for UA.

I think Koennig is gone to A&M with Fran, if he doesn’t get a head coaching gig somewhere else. The offense struggled the last two games, and it’s obvious now why it did – Fran was concentrating on the A&M job. I think he was talking with Koennig about it, as well.

I don’t see Alabama putting another assistant in the head coach slot again. I also think Tommerdahl is gone (which doesn’t bother me in the least; special teams have SUCKED the past two years). I’m hoping we can keep Torbush, Pollard, Smith (all of whom want to stay, I understand) and perhaps Eggen and Helduser, if we’re really lucky.

All this assumes we don’t hire an existing collegiate head coach from somewhere else, who will naturally want to bring his own staff with him.