Fucking LA sports fans

So the Raiders won. Who gives a shit. I don’t even know why these asswipe fair weather fans out here in LA even root for the OAKLAND Raiders! The Raiders are not even the frigging home team, you shitheads! The Raiders are OAKLANDS team, for Petes Sake! Quit trying to glom onto another city’s team after you chased yours off! LA lost their damn team, the Rams, because they werent supporting them. LA won’t support the Chargers because the Chargers don’t have that bad ass “image” that those scumbags in LA seem to crave. My experience is that LA fans will not support a loser. Why do you think LA is the #2 market in the US, but they havent had a football team in years? Because the fans suck.

And what about all those Lakers banners that were on everyones car when the Lakers were winning thier championship? Where are they now, now that the team is doing poorly? Fair weather fans, thats what they are.

The Raiders used to play in LA and were pretty a popular team at that time as I understand it so it’s pretty easy to understand why they have such a strong Los Angeles following now.

As far as the bandwagon jumping you are talking about, that’s part of ALL professional sports, not just in LA. You would be hard pressed to find a long time Bucs fan (I’m sure they are out there, just not in the numbers they appear now).

I don’t like the Raiders but I live in L.A. and the concensus is that the Raiders are L.A’s adopted team since they used to play here and are still in California. The people here don’t really have a choice but some people are hardcore for the Raiders for that reason.

And Laker fans are too embarassed to put their flags back on their cars. They’ll come up once the playoffs start (crosses fingers and knocks wood).

I’ll root for the Bucs though.

I should hope so. It’s a geeky thing to do. Flags on your car? Yikes.

Seriously, I remember when the Raiders left L.A. I didn’t care. A lot of us didn’t care. The Raiders fans in L.A. were upset that the rest of us didn’t care, but that was the way it was. Hasta la Vista Raiders. We don’t care, and we didn’t miss you.

I don’t give much of a damn about football, but when I find myself giving the merest smidgen of a molecule of a damn about football, I find myself rooting for California teams. That’s how it is.

LA doesn’t have a team because it refuses to bend over and let the NFL rape them up the ass and give them a stadium and tax concessions. The Raiders left LA because LA didn’t feel like building Al a stadium. Lot of Raiders fans still in LA, whether they are winning or not.

Dodgers pulla nice crowd, even though they’ve been a mess for a while. The Lakers pull a crowd, even when they are slumping.

Clearly Hermann is from some loser city that never wins anything and is very jealous.

No, actually I live in Southern California. I just can’t stand the average fan mentality here.

Oh, and everyone knows there are no actual Angels fans. So Dodger fans, you don’t get to say your team beat us in the World Series. You’re not fooling anyone in the least. That just makes us want to remind you even more that you haven’t even sniffed the postseason for six years.

Fucking LA sports fans

Does it feel different? Do the sprouts and tan make it more intense than fucking Humbolt County sports fans?

As a lifeling Angels fan, I resent that. Don’t make me give my rally monkey a thunderstick to go pound the crap out of you Bay area hippies again.

Damn, I thought there might have been an actual Angels fan somewhere, but I assumed I was just misremembering “Angels in the Outfield” as fact. :wink:

Wouldn’t they have to stop smoking to fuck?

Another Angels fan checking in. Game 6 was the best game I have ever attended. So, if you don’t take that back, I will have my mom beat you up, and for 75 she can still crack a mean whip. I know why you said that, it still hurts doesn’t it. Bwahahaha. We won and you lost nah nah nah nah nah. (sorry that was mean, but gosh it is nice to rib others rather than vis versa)

Like Godfather III and Rocky V - people keep mentioning this Angels in the Outfield thing and I just can’t seem to recall it ever existing. :slight_smile:


And yes, that game friggin hurt. The words “Game Six” will live in infamy for a long time 'round here.

Come to think of it, it reminds me of a song Sealemon88 wrote for me, way back when.

And who the hell loses to the ANGELS?!

Los Angeles in general just sucks. San Francisco is so much better, having given the world the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and Janis Joplin as well as the Hippie movement that these musicians were part of. All Hell-A has given the world is Hollywood plastic fakery and fair weather sports fans.

Yeah, it is so funny that Hell-A does not have an NFL team, while little ol’ Green Bay, Wisconsin has one! Maybe that is because Packer fans are real fans?

I’ll say this: the state of Ohio, with a smaller population than the L.A. metro area, has produced as many championships in football and baseball over the last 60 years than L.A. has in all sports combined. The point of this? There isn’t one! I just wanted get in on the dogpile while I could :smiley:

But seriously, I agree that L.A. sports fans are nothing special. I even saw a sports news story about this, focusing on why the Rams and Raiders left. The main point of the story was that with something like 7 pro sports franchises in L.A. back then, the fan base was very fractured. It was impossible for anybody to build a base with so much competition between sports.


I think that’s true if you compare just football and baseball. But if you expand it to all sports, that puts the Lakers in there. They’ve won a couple of titles.

Ohio: Baseball: 1990 1976 1975 1947. Football: 1945 1950 1954 1955 1964.

LA: Baseball: 2002 1988 1981 1965 1963 1959. Football: 1951 1983.
Of course, drop the 2002 if you don’t want to count Anahiem as LA. But either way, the Lakers would bring LA over Ohio’s total.
You’ll pardon me if I missed one… couldn’t find a site that listed all the Football championships going back to 1943.

Sweet Jesus. Anti-L.A. Pit threads are becoming more common than SUV whiners around here. The thought that Los Angeles needs an NFL team to make it respectable is fucking ludicrous. To use your example, the fans in Green Bay are great but that’s because there’s nothing else to do when it’s six below zero except to sit in a smoke filled bar and watch the local team. The NFL has them over a barrel along with every city like Houston that’s willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars for the privilege of building a new stadium every 10 years so that they don’t have to feel insecure about not having a pro football team.

Thank God the people of L.A. had the sense to say that, gosh darn it, we like ourselves just fine without having a professional team and maybe we’ll just spend all that money on schools instead. When the weekend rolls around we’ll watch USC or UCLA or even better, we’ll go outside and have real fun.

Well, really, that’s pretty much the point. What the hell else are you going to do in Green Bay or Ohio during the winter except watch football? In LA you can still go to the beach.

And at least we’re still better than Atlanta. (What? You’re supposed to go to the games when your team makes the playoffs?)

Throw in UCLA, and it’s no contest.

That said, as a lifelong Southern Californian and sports fan, there is no doubt LA fans suck worse than elsewhere.

Eh, you’re forgetting that Ohio State has won something like nine national championships in football, basketball, and baseball over the last 60 years, not counting their most recent ones. Of course, all those basketball championships Wooden brought home puts UCLA over the top, but it’s hardly “no contest.”