"Fun" Cremation Urns

Someone I know died recently, and wanted to be cremated. I was just looking at the selection of cremation urns available, and I’m utterly speechless.
Well, not really, but I was amazed.
I thought of stately urns in the shape of vases, or simple, austere boxes. But evidently there is a whole line of “Fun” urns for the person who wants to spend eternity in a Pop Culture icon, or at least wants to cheer up the relative who has charge of the ashes on the mantelpiece.

You can repose in a box in the shape of Superman’s sigil:

Or you can temporarily rest in an oversized Budweiser can until they scatter you

There’s a large collection of sports-based urns. I find it weird that there are a lot of ones with replica football helmets that magnetically levitate. Seems – spooky

For the die-hard (literally) Game of Thrones fan, you can spend the remainder of your existence in The Iron Throne

If you’re a fan of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade you can repose in an exact replica of the urn that held Nurache’s ashes in the opening sequence in Club Obi-Wan

Here’s one my wife might like – you can be stored in a replica Hershey Bar. Although I think she’s prefer Cadbury Bourneville

My initial reaction was revulsion, but why shouldn’t there be upbeat elements to a funeral? My wife wants upbeat music played at hers. My main objection to Pop Culture is that it’s ephemeral. But I don’t think I’d object to something nerdy-quirky like a Mobius Strip Urn, or a model Dodecahedron, or a Pseudosphere, or something.

When my cousin died a few years ago, his ashes were in a plain wooden box. But he had requested that the box be placed in a Crown Royal bag prior to being buried. The man did love his whiskey, and his wife complied with the request.

I expect my wife is going accept whatever free container the state is willing to give her; it will only be necessary until she can reach the cat box.

My uncle worked in the sugar business for over 40 years, so it came as no surprise when my cousin put his ashes in an Empire sugar sack.

My friend is a gourd artist and she frequently gets requests to make custom urns from people who have seen her work.

Carrie Fisher had her ashes placed into a giant, 1950s-vintage Prozac capsule.

I apologize for saying Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when I should have said Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I’m just glad I fixed this before somebody else did.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

I find it remarkable some copyright holder someplace licenced these products.

Huh. Maybe I’ll specify that my ashes be put into a replica of “The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.”

I thought you had a typo there, but checking your link finds that some idiot out there really does think that there’s such a thing as a mock Prozac pill from the 50s! Prozac went on the market in 1986. You can’t even invoke Marty McFly to explain this one.

My husband and I have agreed to be cremated with no services. He said if I go first, he’d put my ashes on a shelf and I would finally be a “trophy wife”. :slight_smile:

Hmm, cremation is in my will. I feel inspired to demand a stock pot that says grok on the side

What’s a Grecian urn?

About eight bucks an hour.

By late brother was a volunteer firefighter. His ashes were placed in an antique fire extinguisher.

Grecian Urn.

I’ve always wanted my ashes to be put in little hollow busts that look like me. They’d be painted so the eyes follow you, and each of my darling children would have one.

I heard that there’s now a company that makes these with a 3-D printer.

Hunter Thompson once said “it’s better to be shot out of a cannon than squeezed out of a tube.” After his death, part of his funeral service included his ashes being shot out of a cannon.

If you want to really freak them out, make a negative space bust urn where the face is concave instead of convex. It’ll be more than the eyes that follow you.

Man, this is where the Reddit up-vote would be perfect. I literally laughed out loud.
I award you one fake internet point, and one invisible gold medallion.