Functioning with one-fourth of a stigmata.

Not that there’s anything particularly holy about my wounds. Holey, yes. Holy, no.

I was car shopping with my son Tuesday afternoon and stepped on a nail that was sticking up out of a board that was placed right next to the back tire of the little Ford we were looking at, which really isn’t a good place to stick a naily board and may explain why one of the Ford’s tires were flat.

Stupid nail went right through my shoe and into my foot, and now I can’t walk without limping, which makes complete strangers come up to me with very concerned looks on their faces, and they ask if I’m ok. Which I am, except for the hole in my foot. Thanks for asking. Go away.

I immediately went to the county health nurse and got a tetanus shot, so my arm is really sore, too. I’m glad my job doesn’t require standing or lifting or I’d be really grouchy right now.

I wonder if I can be canonized one-fourth of the way. Like maybe I’ll be a saint all day Monday and from 6am to midnight on Tuesdays, and go about my business as usual the rest of the time. I’ll lay my holey foot on people to heal them, and change water into watered-down Boone’s Farm.

Meanwhile, I’m out of Band-aids.

Did it come out of the top? That happened to me once. I also put my full weight on my palm on a rusty nail sticking up out of a joist - but that only penetrated about halfway. Hurt more than the foot though.

My worst nail wound, was from jumping down the back side of a corn crib. Five feet onto a nail in a board. The length only let it go half way through the foot.

It looks like you got the proper care, so good luck, and watch for a red streak going up your leg. You may wish to soak in epsom salts at night.

If you’re offering to be a saint on Mondays you deserve to be canonized for the rest of the week as well!

I’m sorry your foot hurts. Get better soon!

Was this in a car lot or at a private home? Why the hell would someone leave a board with a nail sticking out of it near a car they were trying to sell? Are you going to do the American thing and sue? Or since you’re 1/4 saint now I suppose you’ll be all forgivey and stuff.

By the way, that was a sign from the universe telling you not to buy that car so I hope you didn’t. The other sign not to buy that car was the one on the car that said “Ford”.

Yesterday Hallboy and I were breaking up some branches that had fallen during our last thunderstorm. They were huge things that we basically had to break into 2 foot lengths to gift wrap for the trash men. One of the branches caught me dead center of my left palm, where there is now a red wound.

I didn’t think of it in those terms until I read this thread. I’m going to have to go now and torture a religious co-worker… :smiley:

I once saw a veterinary orthopedic specialist drive a Steinman Pin (that he was repairing a femoral fracture with) right through his hand. The pin was just a little smaller in diameter than a #2 Ticonderoga pencil.

The worst part was that he had to continue with the surgery after he tended to his wound and regloved. Ouch.

Such a pious bunch of dorks we all are. :smiley: The nail didn’t go all the way through but it went in a good half inch or so and darn it, it was unpleasant.

What was funny was I was on my cell to my best friend describing the car to her when it happened, so all she heard was, “Well, the body’s got a few rust spots…the interior’s clean…there’s a dent in the rearAAAHHGGHH GODDAMMIT WHAT THE FUCK HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT FUCKING HURTS OWOWOWOWOWOW!”

We ended up not buying the car, partly because I was traumatized, partly because we couldn’t get the seller to answer the phone. We went somewhere else and The Boy decided on an old GMC van. I’m going to sneak into it at night and decorate it circa 1978 as soon as I can find a miniature disco ball.

To reverse this curse, you need to drive a spike through a pine board with your bare palm. Binary opposites.

Be sure to lay in a supply of condoms. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thay don’t call it shag carpeting for nothing! :smiley:

BTW, isn’t ‘stigmata’ plural? So you’d either have one fourth of a complete set of stigmata, or one …uh, stigmatum. Or stigma. Or whatever the singular is.

(bolding mine) Give the man a cigar. :wink:

It also means they appear without apparent cause.

[MontyPython]That’s just what Jesus said![/MP]

Aren’t there five stigmata? Or doesn’t the hole in His side count?

You want to make sure you collect the whole set.

In the last week some religious bit on the air was saying 3 stigmata. I couldn’t figure out why they kept saying three. Was Jesus missing a leg or arm?

I pulled a tick out of my side the next day. Does that count?