Fund-raising ideas needed

I require your help. My friend requires £2000 to fund her trip to Tanzania next year to live with a community there for a month. We need some outrageous ideas that can generate that kind of money for her but so far, we’ve come up with the clichéd 4-legged walk (with 3 of us) across the city. It can’t cost us too much 'cause we is only young.

Any Dopers with fantasmic ideas?

I suppose “getting a job” isn’t outrageous enough?

Yeah she’s doing that too. But not quickly enough.

Ya know, if it was easy to do something outrageous and come up with that kind of money, everyone would be doing it. I suppose she could set up a website or put an ad in the back of Private Eye (is that magzine still around?), but I think the most realistic plan of getting easy money is for her to look into exotic dancing or something. That’s pretty outrageous.

Oh don’t worry, we’re only asking friends and stuff for money. Just something fun and unusual, I did suggest doing the 4 legged race in skin coloured leotards but I got shot down.

Gardening for the elderly…get their flowerbeds planted for them
Shopping for the elderly
Dog walking
Dog Shit Picker-Upper
Casino night…You could organize it and take a percentage of the bets

Sell stuff on Ebay.