Funniest Star Trek moment

Absolutely. But the drunk-Klingon-taunting-the-Federation scene earlier in the episode is comedy gold too, especially when a slight on the ship causes Scotty to suggest, a little dangerously, that the Klingon might reconsider his last comment.

DK: “You’re right. I didn’t mean to say that the Enterprise ought to be towing away garbage…”

*** Scotty appears mollified**

DK: “…I meant that it should be towed away as garbage!”.

What does it mean, ST5? ^ :dubious: ^

It’s an imaginary movie, son. It doesn’t exist, never did exist, and could not POSSIBLY exist. Those who speak of it as if it existed are not your friends.

And the reason THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY is known as Star Trek VI is…um… it’s because the guy who wrote the marketing materials made a drunken mistake, and no one noticed until it was too late to do anything about it. right. That’s it.

I thought that was badly written considering the actor and the character.

Remember him commanding Enterprise, standing by the command chair facing off a Klingon ship? “Let’s see if he’s got the belly for it.”

I understand that being type cast caused him to do some really bad roles, but they shouldn’t have used him for comic relief in Trek. :frowning:

You’ll be SOOOOO much happier when you accept that this “Star Trek V” people keep talking about DOES NOT and NEVER DID exist. Say it with me: “there is no star trek five…there is no star trek five…”


Do I need a tin foil hat? ^ :dubious: ^

“Another glorious chapter in Klingon history. Tell me, do they still sing songs of the Great Tribble Hunt?”

Kirk: “Is there anyone on this ship who even remotely looks like Satan?”
Spock: “I am not aware of anyone who fits that description, Captain”
Kirk: “No, Mr. Spock, I didn’t think you would be.”

TOS:The Apple

(zamboniracer restrains himself from typing in dialogue from SNL: The Last Voyage of the Starship Enterprise.)

That would be from the Movie That Shall Not Be Named. Honestly, Scotty knows the Enterprise inside and out, what it will and will not do, and how to fudge repair times to look like a miracle worker. Do you honestly think he’d bang his head on a pipe?

What was the name of the lady in The Mate, you know, played by Famke Jannsen (sp?)

She is imprinting on men to become their perfect match, and while she’s in flux she does quite a bit of flirting, from growling at Worf to getting down with some civilian engineers in Ten Forward.

Anyhow, she purrs and cuddles up to Riker, who, after sending her off, tells the bridge, “I’ll be in the holosuite if you need me.”

Since nobody else has mentioned it, I’ll cast my vote for “Kirk getting buried under a million tribbles.” :smiley:

And Uhura’s nude desert dance in STV should be saved for “Scariest Star Trek moment”… :eek:

I remember in ST IV: TVH, McCoy got a lot of laughs in the theatre:

“You really have gone where no man’s gone before!”


Spock: “Forgive me Doctor, but I’m receiving several distress calls…”
McCoy: “I don’t doubt it!”

ST5 is something made up by Star Wars fans in an attempt to sabotage the ST empire. There is no ST5. Notice that it doesn’t use roman numerals. That’s how you can know the real ST movies from movies that obviously were never conceived of or created by anyone with any relation to Gene R.

I also like the followup to that in DS9:

O’Brien: Hey, Worf, did you hear? Keiko’s going to have another baby!
Worf: NOW?


McCoy, after Kirk explains that Spock’s soul is in his body:

“That green blooded son of a bitch. This is his revenge for all those arguments he lost.”

And with all the Worf moments, how could we miss the scene where he berates Keiko O’Brien for not giving birth in the proper order.

Interrogator: “Name?”

Chekov: “My name?”

Interrogator [sarcastically]: “No, my name.”

Chekov: “I do not know your name!”

Interrogator: “You play games with me mister, and you’re through!”

Chekov: “I am? May I go now?”

Except it was even better in Trials and Tribble-ations when Dax and Sisko are in the grain bin scanning tribbles with a tricorder looking for a bomb. They’re tossing them over their shoulders, and we see them falling out of the hatch, one by one, and landing on Kirk.

Q has been stripped of his powers and is trying to convince TNG crew he is now mortal.

**Q : ** Hoew can I prove it yo you.

(crew thinks)

**Worf : ** Die.

** Q : ** Oh, thank you Mister Worf. Have you eaten any good books lately?

Shoot, the prune juice and Keiko’s dilation and merry man ones are already taken…

How about the TNG episode where Riker picks up the Picard doll that was part of an art fair and does a pretty good J-LP imitation? “Oh, I don’t know Number One; I think the resemblance is remarkable” or something like that. That one killed me, especially since I usually thought of Riker as an insufferable prig.

From TOS: “Cover 'em, Spocko!”

Q turning Dr. Crusher into a Barking Irish Setter in “True Q.”

And Worf’s “merry man” line is only about 2/3 as funny without prefacing it with, “Captain, I protest!”

Also, from “The Doomsday Machine,” there was an exchange between Kirk and Decker that went something like this:

Kirk: “Matt, where’s your crew?”
Decker: “On the planet!”
Kirk: “What planet?”
Decker: “There was, but not any more!!”

No doubt one of the most unintentionally funny exchanges in the series.

From Voyager, “Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy” is loaded with good stuff. The ECH activation sequence, as mentioned, is priceless, but let’s not forget the intro to that episode, ie “Tuvok I understand/You are a Vulcan man/You have gone without/For seven years about.” Wasn’t there also a scene where B’lanna and Seven of Nine fight over him?

I also agree that Worf was involved in some of TNG’s best gags, but I’ll humbly submit that Data was even moreso:

[ul][li]“You JEWEL, you, that’s EXACTLY what I wanted!”[/li]
[li]“You’re not my mother!” and “Are you not enjoying our lovers’ quarrel?”[/li]
[li]His expression as he leads Riker to the brig at Picard’s suggestion at the end of “Gambit.” He was 100% business there.[/li]
[li]Spiner and Stewart channeled the Kirk/Spock humor from TOS flawlessly with the help of the writers in “Unification.”[/li]
[li]Lastly, I disagree with Counselor Troi: Data throwing Dr. Crusher off the 18th century Enterprise WAS funny:p[/ul][/li]
Brent Spiner’s mime work is probably key to his abilities as Data. I would imagine it would be nigh-impossible for a lesser performer to keep a straight face in a lot of his scenes. An extremely talented guy, to be sure.