My joke:
Q: Why couldn’t we have a female president?
A: Because she would menstruate all over the legislation!
My joke:
Q: Why couldn’t we have a female president?
A: Because she would menstruate all over the legislation!
This guy is a total loon. Was there a pun I missed somewhere? Even if there is, Liddy’s about three cans short of a six-pack.
So you’re saying that putting cigarettes out on your own flesh is one of the signs of a mainstream Republican nowadays?
Did he break into your hotel room to steal it?
I wonder if Liddy made the same joke about O’Connor and Bader-Ginsberg.
How dare you people criticize the Viceroy of Virility, the Vicar of Vigor, the Potentate of Potency!
I hereby award you one(1) internet for this reply. Well done.
Well, he’s a rigid prick.
You might think it was a joke, but it never was.
Maybe he’s afraid her menses will send Obama into a negroid rage.
Am I missing something? Aren’t jokes supposed to be funny?
only 3?
Wait a second … how old is Sotomayor? 54? I think she’s menopausal by now anyway.
The advantage for the GOP is that extremists who are the loudmouths and self-appointed spokespeople for Conservatives are becoming so ugly that moderately right Republicans can use them for Sister Souljah type moments. When it gets this ugly they can brave standing up to the Rush’s of their world. The Republicans who actually run and in some cases win will be not these nutjobs but fairly moderate Republicans who look all the more reasonable in comparison to these idiots mouthing off.
I wonder if that can even work now. Some of the moderates they’ve lost are still going to be looking for a responsible Republican. But then there are so many people like me, who don’t want to give a coalition that includes the crazies any power at all.\
Then again, I’m accepting that I’m a communist now, so not the best person to ask.
I can’t speak for Mr. Liddy, but when I tell my joke, it’s in situations where it’s clear that I’m parodying people like him. Apparently, he didn’t get the memo that it’s only funny when told ironically.
Liddy is a reprehensible human being, but he did not say what you said he said.
LIDDY: Let’s hope that the key conferences aren’t when she’s menstruating or something, or just before she’s going to menstruate. That would really be bad. Lord knows what we would get then.
I want to see the debates between him and Timothy Leary. When Timothy Leary is the calm and rational one in the room that’s gotta be quite a panel.
Well at least he has the sense to keep his head shaved. Makes it easier when he’s sticking his head up his ass.
Pfft, you are missing the real nutty center of this.
That’s so cool, I speak illegal alien!