Where I live there is a garbage Nazi. No, really. And he’s pushing all the buttons of my SO.
Here’s what happens, in this city there is a garbage schedule (don’t ask, but the appropriate day changes every week), and people put there garbage and recycling out, usually, the evening before pick up.
Now, as it happens, I am not a slave to the schedule, since my house is owned by a gentlemen who owns a large commercial property nearby. He has a dumpster, which is at my disposal.(teehee)
I soon discovered that having gathered and bagged the garbage, it would sit in my kitchen for days, as my SO walked by it repeatedly on his way out the door and over right by the damn dumpster.
So I’ve taken to putting it on the curb, like you would for normal garbage pick up. This way he sees it, immediately on coming out of the house (front yard 10 ft to curb) and picks it up and takes it off to the dumpster. From time to time, it remains on the curb overnight until he goes out the next morning.
Here’s where the garbage Nazi comes in, often I come out and someone has moved my garbage up to my front door. Sometimes there’s a note. Very condescending, saying “…put your garbage out only on the correct day. This is called a garbage schedule…yada,yada,yada…” . My garbage never ends up strewn all about the neighbourhood and I am the first to clean it up when the students in my neighbourhood ‘forget’ to tie up their bags!
I could care about this person but it is pushing my SO over the edge. I’ve never seen this happen, to know for sure who is doing it, they are very stealth. It’s actually quite funny because the neighbourhood I live in is like a bit of a student slum, and not especially tidy. Currently there isn’t a rental property on the street that doesn’t have a mountain of garbage piled on the curb, days ahead of pick up, as the students have just moved.
What kind of controlling garbage Nazi, sneaks up in the predawn hours to handle my garbage?
And my SO, well now it’s just a huge game for him. He’s even spoken of booby trapping the trash to set off an alarm just to scare the prick. He works with indellible inks too so he could also ink it up so his hands would be stained at least then we’d know who it was.
Man, sometimes I think I am too wrapped up in lifes little problems. Then shit like this happens and suddenly I feel, well, almost well adjusted.
My SO is normally very calm, collected and very hard to annoy, (believe me I’ve tried!) and slow to anger.
That only makes it funnier.