G'Dope Reborn - Australia now in Europe

Permission to post this was attained - thanks Moderator dudes!

A while back Leechboy (on leechbabe’s behalf) posted that G’Dope, the place for Aussie Dopers to hang out when they weren’t busy on the SDMB, was going offline.

Well happily, that’s now kinda true but not totally true - because Leechbabe and her motley band are, instead, setting up shop on nads, the place where many European Dopers have been known to hang out when they aren’t too busy on the SDMB*.

It was a difficult merger** and one that required a great degree of planning and negotiation. We’d only offered because we were feeling sympathetic after a night binge drinking and watching Mel Gibson films, and they’d agreed before they’d realised that NADs was full of whinging Poms. At one particularly tricky stage, Al Gore had to personally intervene and save the day with a well-crafted slideshow.

Somehow though, it all came together, and NADs now contains a G’Dope Exiles forum for Antipodean activities.

Anyway, we just wanted to stick a post up here to catch any G’Dopers who thought that G’Dope had already died forever and who would have missed out on this news.

Can’t have them missing out on an opportunity to lord it over us next time they beat us at Cricket/Rugby/Sheep Rustling. :smiley:

*Thinking about it this isn’t strictly true, as both boards had/have a lot of American posters as well. Bloody yanks get everywhere no matter how hard you scrub…

**Not really. At least not once they’d agreed to return our wallets.

Hey! I resemble that remark! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ta. Done.

And to quote Leechbabe

I guess we might as well also join the motherboard if our antipodean safe house is closing.

So this is the big time? :eek:


Aw, come here and let Aunty Kam give you a big huggle. It’s not so scary, really, is it?

(Now, kam desperately tries to figure out who chicken wire? is)


chicken wire(d) helps poor, old Kam to ponder. :smack:

Don’t worry, I’m still scared of you here too. :smiley:

Love the user name then! :smiley:

You’ll be fine here mate: the bite of a rabid SDMB’er is far, far worse than the growl unfortunately, but there’s special cyber-tetanus shots you can get to help.

Don’t panic. There’ll be someone along shortly to show you around the place…not me of course: I only hang out in the dodgy forums. :stuck_out_tongue:

Best way to introduce yourself is to go into Great Debates and tell people that Global Warming doesn’t exist.

Or go into the BBQ Pit and pit one of the leading presidential candidates (any of them will do, but the best to pit would be Barack Obama).

Or ask in General Questions about the deepest part of the ocean.

Roger that, Barrack Obama is not warming the ocean depths. Gotta cite?

I’ll be in the dodgy forums with Kam if you need me.

Um, the dodgy forums ARE the GQ and the BBQ Pit , IMHO. :smiley:

Nah, unless you’re a complete prat, the resident hyenas won’t devour you.

Can’t vouch for the G’Dope exiles but! :smiley:

He did once, in 1960…

Yeah, OK. you’re in.

Barack Obama was conceived in 1960, so he (or his parents) started warming the ocean depths really early – for 20 minutes, I would guess.

(ETA: And since I was a teenager in 1960, that’s making me start to feel really old)

You think YOU’RE old? I was BORN in 1960, and I’m already ancient in the vast scheme of things!

IOW, yes, you **are **really old **Giles. ** :stuck_out_tongue:

In an eleventh hour development (well, maybe I exaggerate the lateness a little but tenth and a half hour at least) the impending G’Dope shutdown has been aborted. The show will go on, amicable arrangements having been made between board owner leechbabe and board founding father TheLoadedDog.

We, the denizens of G’Dope thank the departing pink overlord for her most excellent stewardship. We quake in happy anticipation of the resumption of the tyrannical reign of the returning El Presidente. Thanks be to the NADS people for the bail out in our hour of need.

Sorry for the false alarm. Next time for sure! :smack:

::suspicious look:: Do I know you? Are you that train guy?

Yes, yes goddamnit, I’m that train guy. :wink:

It’s amazing what you can do when you pay off a few generals, eh?

G’Dopebux are now running at 100 000%pa inflation, though. Oh well, can’t have everything.