Geeky/Nerdy Songs

I’m trying to put together a compilation of geeky/nerdy songs, and I need your help…

Please no (not that there’s anything wrong with these, I’m just looking for the less immediately obvious suggestions):
[li]Weird Al[/li][li]Tom Lehrer[/li][li]Weezer[/li][li]They Might Be Giants[/li][li]Ozma[/li][/ul]

If it isn’t clear why your suggestion has geek/nerd appeal, please post a brief explanation of why you recommend it.


Try Dr. Steel’s Fibonacci Sequence.

Pretty much anything on would qualify.

My favorite anthem and magnum opus for geeks:

Thomas Dolby – She Blinded Me With Science

Marin Call makes nerdy songs.

The Reverse Engineers - Mercury in Retrograde

How about Rush? Are you already familiar with their catalog?

Jonathan Coulton has a ton of wonderfully nerdy songs, “Code Monkey” being my personal favorite. Scroll through his mp3 section and you’ll see why I’m recommending him. The titles alone should convince you. :slight_smile: I mean, a song called “Mandelbrot Set”??

Flight of the Conchords do some funny stuff too. You can see their stuff on YouTube - “Business Time” and “The Humans Are Dead” are awesome.

ETA: You can also look into MC Frontalot, and all the other “nerdcore” rappers. Not my thing, but should definitely qualify for what you’re looking for.

Playing it now. Excellent - My compilation could do with some female presence!

Like Thomas Dolby too (though I prefer ‘Hyperactive’). Dr Steel will fit on there as well.

Kate Bush - Pi (from the Aerial album).

This song caused me to laugh out loud in the office :smack: :smiley:

On that note, MC Lars is awesome. Just look at the geeky song titles:

[li]“Download This Song” [/li][li]“The Roommate from Hell” (rap battle between MC Lars and a nerdy Satan)[/li][li]“21 Concepts” (features samples from Tetris)[/li][li]“Hot Topic Is Not Punk Rock”[/li][li]“Ahab”[/li][li]“iGeneration”[/li][li]“If I Had a Time Machine, That Would Be Fresh”[/li][li]“Internet Relationships”[/li][li]“Space Game” (MC Lars pines for hottie sci-fi women)[/li][/ul]

Early Barenaked Ladies (see “Grade 9” and “New Kid” from Gordon) has a lot of geekiness to it. Less so after their first album but it still pops up now and then.

Same thing w/ Moxy Fruvous (listen to “King of Spain”)… very geeky with their *Bargainville *album but then less so with later releases.

MC Lars - iGeneration

There is a whole host of songs by artists called “MC Frontalot” and “MC Hawking” that are grouped into a genre called “nerdcore”. Generally it’s a hip-hop type of Music, but Front has a lot of jazz influence on his backing music. I’m a fan of the pr0n song by Frontalot, for sheer geeky angst.

eta: beaten to the punch. Curse my needing to log in!

Wow, keep the suggestions coming. When I put the compilation together I’ll post the track-listing.

Loving Jonathan Coulton, especially. As I’m a biologist, ‘That Spells DNA’ is a front-runner to be track 1.

You beat me to it. “Code Monkey” is brilliant.

Moxy Früvous; start with My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors, Green Eggs and Ham, and Entropy.

Songs from Animaniacs, particularly Yakko’s World and Wakko’s America.

Uncle Bonsai; start with Cheerleaders on Drugs, Lois Lane, Isaac’s Lament, the Doug songs, and others.

God Monkey Robot, (video link) by The Apparitions.

What could be more nerdy than a song about a particle accelerator?

How funny. Code Monkey’s been my morning earworm today. Great song.

There’s always the old favorite: *It’s a Long Way from Amphioxus*. Unfortunately the only version I know is Sam Hinton’s. I know you can get the album via Folkways, but I have no idea where you could go to listen to the whole track.

Then I’d also suggest Dawson’s Christian. Songs about space ships are geeky. Songs about ghosts are geeky. Songs that combine the two are über-geeky.

I highly recommend Schaffer The Darklord as another nerdcore artist. I see he’s got a remix of “Nerd Lust” on his MySpace page…the original is better but, eh :slight_smile:

Also check out my buddy Brent at Nerd Punk. You can download most of his songs for free.

So much Better Online by Brad Paisly