Gender and grapefruit

So, we’re talking breasts of gay guys?
Can I take my vote back?

Agreed. They taste like vomit to me, I can’t eat them. The closest I get to grapefruit is the soda which tastes NOTHING like it.

Male and yes, please.

Female. Love both the fruit and the juice, as long as it hasn’t been “sweetened up”, either by genetic modification or addition of crap. Grapefruit isn’t supposed to be sweet. I peel 'em and eat 'em segmented, like oranges.

It’s not on that list, but grapefruit can also hinder the absorption of estrogen found in many types of hormonal birth control.

Male. I love all sour fruits - eat limes and lemons as well as grapefruit (I don’t think my dentist thinks much of this).

Female, and I love Texas Rio ruby red grapefruit dearly. I peel them and separate them into segments, then peel each segment if they have a tough leathery membrane. They’re tart and sweet and bitter simultaneously! Yum!

Unfortunately, I’m now on statin drugs for high cholesterol and can’t eat them anymore. However, last week I totally zoned out and forgot and bought a couple of them and ate them up over the course of a week. I then remembered that was a big no-no and called the doc; he said it wasn’t a big deal for now, but to go forth and sin no more.

So no more ruby grapefruit for me, ever. Damn.

The trend continues:

Love it!         29%
Like it          24%
Meh              16%
Don't like it    12%
Hate it          18%
Love it!         28%
Like it          29%
Meh              15%
Don't like it    14%
Hate it          13%

Me too! I have taken statins so have had to limit how much grapefruit I use. At the moment my Doc thinks I need statins plus fibrates so while he is working out the baseline fibrate the simvastatin remains in the bathroom cabinet!

While its there am in tarty bitter grapefruit heaven!