Gene Simmons' Family Jewels

Is this for real? I can’t believe how often he comes off looking the fool. The one where he leaves his little black book in a cab in NYC and is wandering around. Then his cell phone dies. Was that staged?

OTOH, so he reveals that he’s a dork, but is pimping his foolishness for big $$. Which isn’t really all that dorky after all.

What’s the real scoop here?

Shoot, perez hilton has more info than that. And it don’t look like footage “from his past.”

The kicker is that the rest of the family is so normal…even Shannon, a super hottie, is really down to earth.

So…I’m the only one who always confuses Gene and Richard, right? I thought this thread was going to be about too-tight spandex.

I know she’s too young, and I know I’m going to hell for thinking this, but I think his daughter is hot (that birthmark doesn’t phase me).

Yes. Yes, you are.

Moderator note: I’ve disabled a link, because it’s reported as Not Safe For Workplace. We’re not stopping anyone from going there if they want, but we don’t want anyone inadvertently stopping by and getting into trouble.

Look me up when you get there…we’ll start a fan club.

My favorite thing about the show is how Gene, Mr. Slept with a Zillion Women, gets all bothered anytime anybody looks at her. Karmic payback’s a bitch!