General outlet for steaming about TubaDiva's unprofessionalism

I would advise you to not hold your breath.

Umm, it was just an example to show Tuba perceives offence readily. I don’t really understand your other points there but whatever, I can live with that; feel free to bow out of the thread.

:eek: ! I’m sure the mods and admins are reading this right now and seriously considering what we say! before totally disregarding it as the usual snark against mods.

My 1st MMP

Hey, I’d be overjoyed to be proven wrong. But I’ve noticed over the past few years that there seems to be an antipathy among many of the mods and administrators toward making actual apologies toward members. If the mods really want a little more civility among the members (and towards themselves,) it would be wise to show a little toward the members when it’s warranted.

Just to set the record straight on this one point:

TubaDiva receives some compensation for her efforts to support Ed Zotti on the Straight Dope® home page with the features that change weekly or multiple times each week.

That effort and compensation are separate from her efforts as an Administrator on the SDMB, for which she, like every admin nad Mod, receives only a coffe mug.

I used to hate catsix. Then Doc Cathode said she was cool. Now I dig her.

I hate it when they moderate my nads.

Dig her or hate her, other posters provided cites proving she was right.

Thaks for the apology, What Exit?

DocCathode has met me, so he knows that the tone that seems in my posts isn’t the tone that I talk with in real life.

In real life, my voice is much like a stoner with serious allergies and the word ‘dude’ comes out a lot.

From this post in the ATMB thread:

That’s an odd thing for you to say, isn’t it? Of course, I’m assuming that you don’t have anything as serious in your past as what I’m referring to, but still it’s more than a little hypocritical.

I didn’t put this in the ATMB thread because I’m bitching about her unprofessionalism – which I can’t do in ATMB. She can apparently say whatever the hell she wants there, but I’m not as fortunate.

Oh, and she totally owes HeyHomie and catsix apologies. They’re customers, lady, and the tone of their posts remained polite. The minimum (minimum) standard of service is a polite and respectful answer to their posts. If I talked to my customers the way you talk to yours, I would have been thrown into the street years ago.

How do you feel when they coffe in your mug?

I was assuming that I was being whooshed here. Now - I am not sure.

But FTR, catsix, yes, you are owed an apology.


Is that what Ed told you? FYI, there are precisely 3 links that require changing on that page. Whatever they’re paying Tuba, I’ll do it for half. Think about it, Ed.

I don’t understand this need for an apology at the Dope. Unless the other person “gets it,” the apology is meaningless. It is a little childish to continue to insist upon one. (I keep getting the imagine of a red-faced twelve year old tossing her curls, crossing her arms and patting her foot until she gets her way.)

I will always have a tendency to like those posters who have the grace to admit when they’ve made a mistake or apologize when they have unjustly offended. Some never seem to apologize and I feel sorry for them that they are so seemingly insecure or prideful or stubborn. There is a lot of freedom in being an imperfect human.

The red-faced twelve year old just called someone “Dude” and broke me up. Maybe she’s not as difficult as I had thought.

I’m not going to hold my breath and stomp my feet and demand it.

I think the lack of apology in my direction has spoken more volumes to the community here than anything else.


tomndebb, as usual, is correct. Ed, IIRC, said exactly what tom said. If you can find a link that says otherwise, post it.

You would probably be better off working a shift at McDonald’s in lieu of proposing that deal. Of course, the wage at McDonald’s may be better than you’re currently pulling in. In that case, Ed has a visible email( He probably won’t see your plea here.

Ed says here (Emphasis mine)

So according to this it’s not just for SD home page stuff.

I will allow that she gets paid for perhaps reading emails sent to the SDMB and Cecil. Ed just doesn’t have time for that. She obviously has to deal with emails about registrations gone wrong and things like that. I would still stake my life that her hourly wage would be embarassing. That was the point of my post.