The sight of Col. Sanders with a light saber is the last straw! If I knew it would come to this I never would have made the $2.50 investment at the box office 22 years ago!
THAT’s your last straw? Hmm, something tells me you are not prepared for the horrors of the future, young Jedi.
Which begs the question what my last straw would be. I personally thought that news anchors spending time showing off and talking about the new Star Wars toys was pretty bad, but something tells me that the “product placement” can and certainly will be much worse for the “final installment” movie in a few years.
Oh and he’s not a whore. He’s a pimp!
Col. Sanders with a lightsabre? pales
Well, alright, that is vile. I don’t think it’s Georges Lucas’ wish, though. People seem to confuse the story with all the parasites that leech unto it.
If Lucas were some poor bastard with a crazy sci-fi idea no one would pay attention to, he wouldn’t be called a whore. But he’s making millions off of his story, and suddenly it makes him bad.
What’s bad is the people willing to pay thousands of dollars in SW merchandise instead of contending with paying $7 for a movie ticket.
It’s the media who see a fast buck so turn a fan event into a multimillion gorefest of hype. The Sanders-wielding lightsabre is the perfect example of this.
People should just wait anxiously without making a fuss, sit in the theatre, and enjoy the popcorn and the pretty pictures. And that’s what I’m gonna do.
Perhaps you’re not aware that Lucas owns 100% of all the marketing and merchandising rights to the Star Wars movies. So it is his wish and he’s making a killing off of it. Not that I can blame him for making lots of cash off of people who are more than willing to give it up. Don’t like it, don’t buy it-that’s what I do.
Let’s balance this, please, with the information that Lucas made the film available last week to a dozen charities across the country for pre-opening day fundraising efforts. The Pediatric AIDS Foundation in Southern California made a million dollars this weekend off the movie; I’m sure the numbers are similar for the other eleven charities around the country.
I’m a woman phenomenally
Phenomenal woman
That’s me
(Maya Angelou)
Taco Bell Rat/Dog: “May the Force be with you!”
“May the SALES Force be with you.”
I see Lucas more like a big fat tick than a whore. A whore at least as to do something. Lucas made more money talking about a possible Star Wars movies than actually making one. He’s the perfect symbol for what passes as American Culture – the cannibal hack.
[[The sight of Col. Sanders with a light saber is the last straw! If I knew it would come to this I never would have made the $2.50 investment at the box office 22 years ago!]]
Hey, it’s “Star Wars,” OK – a big budget production created with the primary intent to make a lot of money. We ain’t talking art with a capital “A” here – it’s not like he’s mucking up “Citizen Kane” or “Moby Dick.”
Stars Wars’ marketing is the evil empire with a tractor beam, that will pull large audiences in to watch it and buy merchandise. You can not resist the dark side.
The hype and merchandising was quite bad back when ANH came out. This is nothing new.
SW is an icon of pop culture, and everyone wants to buy the action figures. It’s nothing new to Star Wars, we’re just old enough to get disgusted by it now.
Still, I say the fans are the ones giving the hype a reason to exist. If every fan only wanted to see a good movie they’ve been waiting for for a long time, we wouldn’t get this.
The media always give you a -bit- too much, because they’ll feed the hype until it saturates the public. We’re getting near the saturation point, but the reason it reached such ludicrous heights is because the public wanted it in the first place.
The only SW memorablia I bought so far is a ticket. That in itself does not generate such hype. And Pepsi will not get me to drink their cola just because Yoda’s on it. And whether it comes with a SW toy or not, KFC is still biohazard.
Again, at the risk of repeating myself: it’s the people who create the hype. The media just see a quick buck and run with it.
Quite ironic that you would use words from Lucas’ own paradigm to describe him.
Off to the Ministry of Love you go.
If I could make the money Lucas makes, I’ll be a whore.
As long as people are willing to fork out the $$$, why not! Although we all try to say the honorable thing and decry the evils of commercialization, I bet there is not one among us who wouldn’t trade job descriptions with him in a heartbeat.
More power to him!
He who walk through airport door sideways going to Bangkok. - Confucius
at least you won’t see product placement in any Star Wars movie, such as Yoda using Oil of Olay, or Chewbacca wearing a Hartz flea collar…
shiner bock
“Now its over, I’m dead and I haven’t done anything that I want, or I’m still alive and there’s nothing I want to do.” – They Might Be Giants
“When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not, hmmm?” – Yoda
Hope this doesn’t offend anybody, but I really don’t give a crap about “Star Wars” or whatever new “Star Wars” movie has come out. I think this is the healthy attitude to have in order to overcome the media “Star Wars” tsunami.
Do not under estimate the power of the force and Emperor Lucas!
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Shanaka Dias -
Whoops! The force is not strong enough for ascii art.
Okay, I just saw the movie! I still think George Lucas is whore, but at the same time he’s a damned good one. He has the talents of a $5,000 a night call girl, so why is he giving 50 cent hand jobs in the Pizza Hut parking lot?
Like it or not, motion pictures are to this age what Homeric epics were to the Clasical age, and operas were to the last two centurys. Lucas’ mythology could potentialy rival those of Wagner and Malory in a hundred years. Why is he letting one of the most prominant works of art in the 20th century be cheapened by the likes of Pepsico, for a few bucks he could easily live without?
With all due respect, Papa, in ten years I won’t remember the taco bell commercials, but I will have this movie on tape. Then, too, with what I know of Malory he might have been eager to entertain offers from the likes of Pizza Hut, too.
LOL! Lucas rivaling Wagner? Hahaha!
Oh, man. He’ll be forgotten (along with his tripe) fairly soon as far as world events go.
Despite the big numbers his movies generate, he’s yet to be as popular as the Beatles, or for that matter Nancy Sinatra. Okay, maybe Star Wars is bigger than ol’ Nancy ever became. But not by much.
It may help to remember that the most popular actor in the world is Jackie Chan.
evolution of Star Wars
Star Wars: mega super kick ass
Empire Strikes Back: super kick ass
Return of the Jedi: kick ass
Phantom Menace: sucked ass
The only normal people are the one’s you don’t know very well. -Joe Ancis