George Lucas is even more evil than we thought.

Paedophilia is sexual attraction to prepubescent children. If she’s gone through puberty, it’s not paedophilia.

Piers Anthony goes all freaking out in the Bio of a Space Tyrant series – incest, whatever, you name it.

the relationship between marion and indy is what broke up the jones/ravenwood student/mentor relationship.

then ravenwood died leaving marion alone in forsaken back of beyond at a very young age. she was left trying to find her own way back to the states. it did not go easily, and the cut off of all communication between ravenwood and jones made it worse.

there are a few relationships that are very oddly aged… loretta lynn, celene dion, bo derek, jerry lee lewis. at least in dion’s case her husband waited until she was legal.

There are a few exceptions, but I’m pretty sure most 10-11 year old girls are prepubescent.

And as hard a boundary as you seem to want to make this, it’s still incredibly skeevy for 12 year olds who may just be entering puberty.

I think they are more innocent now in general then they were in the 1970s.

When my mom was around 18 or 19, as I understand it, although my mom claims that she had decided she would marry my dad when she was 15.

Yes, exactly. Lucas is a creepy dude.

To be fair, Marion was probably a hawt 10 year old.

And probably drink you under the table as well.

No doubt. Even when I raise my Attribute, Marion is impressive.

Am I the only one trying to read “amusing” as a sort of joke, and not so much him wanting this to be a real relationship? I get the sense that maybe Lucas was going for a weird discrepancy that few people in the audience would notice, but if they did, it’d be a strange thing. That he would think this amusing (and not a relationship with an 11-year-old) seems a bit more consistent with Lucas’s style. Spielberg’s comment seems almost in line with that, but also seems to be intentionally over-the-top to reel him in on it.