Get a job, scumbags.

…and quit fucking with me.

On Sunday morning, some scum came into my apartment building and stole the two 802.11b wireless access points and the DSL router. It had only been installed at the beginning of August. From mid-January until then, I’d been been going into campus every day to check my e-mail, and having to start that again didn’t make me happy. They finally installed new hardware yesterday afternoon, but with padlocks.

The network guy said he has installations in 50 buildings, and this is the first time he’s ever had equipment stolen.

In my mail today I got my bank statement for the last month. Some scum (different scum, perhaps) apparently found the check book I’ve been looking for. They wrote two checks, for 19 and 65 dollars, the second with the useful memo “Ciggarettes”. Not a huge sum, but being a student and paying for a one bedroom apartment in a college town, it’s money I’d rather keep.

Their signature of my name also looks better than my signature of my name, which pisses me off too.

So, folks, if you know any petty criminals, could you have them put me on their “Do Not Thieve” list, at least for a few months?

Most thieves I know already have jobs, this is just something they do on the side.

Hey, anyone want to by a DSL router? I boosted it from an apartment bulding. I’ve got a couple of wireless access points too. I’ll give you a good deal. I’ll even throw in a pack of cigarettes I bought with some dude’s checkbook…

Dude that is so cruel. Don’t be surprised if he comes after you; ties the network cable around the router and beats you over the head with it!

Is that like the while collar way of filling a sock up with sand and beating someone with it? :smiley:


Geek thieves.

I recently had someone bread the little triangular window in the rear passenger side of my pitiful Honda Civic. They stole 55 cents in change and a ten year old CD walkman worth no more than ten dollars. Cost to fix the damage $200. Fucknuts.

To add the proverbial insult to injury I had about ten CDs sitting on the seat. They left them alone. So they dis my taste in music and cause damage worth twenty times what they stole.

Mmmm. Breaded windows. Just like Momma used to make.

Yeah, gettin’ harder and harder to make ends meet from thievery alone, don’t ya know… :smiley:

How many other Aussies thought this thread was going to be about Paul Keating? :smiley:

Ames is the home of more than five thousand engineering students, nearly a thousand of which are in computer engineering. There’s another five hundred computer science students in the liberal arts college.

I doubt the theives were geeks, since that would violate the golden rule of geekdom, but there’s a good sized market.

I might suggest you make sure your bank is aware of the problem with the checks, I mean, that you want the money they misapplied returned. You may have to sign an agreement to help with the investigation, but you probably want to do that anyway. Close the account. if you havn’t by now. Be sure to discuss with the bank what they are planning to report as far as you are concerned to Cheksys.
I just helped a friend have items removed from his record there that should not have been in his file. It is easier to keep it out than get it out.


Wikkit, do you want me to come over and beat those bastards to a pulp? Cus I will, I would do it for you. I hate it when people mess with my friends.
I hope it gets better for you.

Beryl, I plan to go in tomorrow. I got the statement in the Saturday mail, and bankers hours being bankers hours, that’s the earliest possible. I didn’t even know of the existence of ChexSys until you mentioned it and I googled. Interesting, in an evil way. Thanks for the info.

misstee, I appreciate the offer. But, if I find any of the people responsible for either action, I’d have more fun like abducting their pet and holding it ransom[sup]1[/sup], or thermiting their car.

[sup]1[/sup] I’d never hurt a pet, so I don’t want to hear about that.

I think we should find it, abduct it and keep it in a pit. You don’t happen to have a pit, do you?

And I second Beryl_Mooncalf - close or at least change your bank account. Depending on where the checks were cashed (convenience store, etc.) they may have video tape of the - it.
