This is so cool!

Get buried in style!!

Imagine what a porn star might have on his or her casket. Even a Rock and Roll icon could have something unique! I can just imagine what some Rapper Stars would have put on theirs.

I wonder how long, if this site hits the news, before someone famous buys one in advance and puts it on display?

They’ll put anything you want on your final box! Check them out, though there’s not much yet in the college examples.

Hmm. I wonder if they’ll put Playboy pictures on the casket? A couple of friends of mine would have theirs covered by pot leafs and pipes. I know this metalhead who would have pictures from his favorite heavy metal rock groups put on his.

It makes for a much less somber casket!!

I have to say that is very sweet! I would love to have a Maxfield Parrish print on mine.

Cool idea!

Return To Sender!

Who am I to decide what’s tacky? This one rocks!