Get rid of one SDMB forum. Which do you choose?

Not a serious board question. Just a fun poll that’s why it’s not in ATMB.

For me it’s actually GD. I think the well is dry for good topics and if you take out the religion and politics it’s empty except on rare occasions.

Close second is the Game Room. I’m a gamer and love football but the forum is usually dead. People rarely seem to bite on threads about non top ten games. I’m just not into the actual game threads where people play word games and what not.


First would be Straight Dope Chicago. Most Dopers probably haven’t been to Chicago, let alone live there. For me, all it does is push the other forums farther down the page.

Second would be The Game Room. Sports and games can be discussed in Cafe Society, and games can be played in MPSIMS.

2010 U.S. Election will go away on its own after the elections (I presume), but in the meantime it should be moved to just above or below The BBQ Pit. Again, it just moves the other forums down the page.

EDIT: See? See? Straight Dope Chicago wasn’t even popular enough to make the poll! :stuck_out_tongue:


Straight Dope Chicago. It’s poorly attended, pointless and annoying. Clutters up the page.

I chose IMHO but really it could be either IMHO or MPSIMS. I think they could be merged into a “general” forum.

I chose the BBQ pit because Ive never looked in it for more than 5 seconds, but good point about GD seeming to have burned out a bit.


I was gonna say Game Room, but then other forums would be clutters with those games, like in the past. So, even tho I never play the games, it serves a purpose.

I voted PIT, I hate the whole “pit a Poster” thing.

One? Come on! Ideally and theoretically, the SDMB could/should be Cafe Society, IMHO, and MPSIMS. But, then again, I could see IMHO turning into GD…

The two that have the most overlap are IMHO and MPSIMS, so they could probably be merged.

The pit is necessary. I find that I have a hard time on places now where I can’t get out my frustrations because of a no personal attacks policy. I find that people tend to burn out a lot more in those places.

(I do think it could do with changes to make it more focused on getting out frustration and conflict resolution, and I wouldl love it to be better on topic–you need a new thread to pit a poster, not take over an existing thread. But outright removal would be bad.)

SD Chicago is just an attempt at making money by being able to sell localized advertisements.

Game Room; video game chat can go in Cafe Society, sporting stuff MPSIMS. No fuss, no muss.

I know that. But the question is which would I get rid of, and that’s the one I choose.

Holy shit, I just now noticed The Straight Dope Chicago forum. My eyes are trained to completely ignore everything except the forums I browse.

If it’s mundane and pointless, why share? Keep it to yourself.

Nah, second should be the Barn House.

Eh my first though wasn’t on the list: SD Chicago
Then the barn house

Like may others in the thread, my first choices were not options, so I went for GD as that is where I visit the least. I generall don’t have the time that is required to participate in (or often, even read) those threads.

Disappointed about TGR being top choice, that’s the first one I go to!

Game room. I’m not a sports guy, but I see no problem with keeping them in another forum but keeping them combined. “Generic sport thread 2010 season thread” Outside of that, the word game and other threads never bothered me much.

Fortunately, it’s at the bottom of the page so it doesn’t clutter. I have the section collapsed, so I don’t even see it.

GD. There’s rarely anything “great” about what typically goes on in there. And nobody ever publicly admits to a change in viewpoint after such a debate: instead of, “Hmm you may have a point there, I’ll have to think about that”, it’s usually immovable and irresistible world views colliding futilely. And, second to the Pit (which does have a function of a sort) it’s the penultimate refuge of trolls and scoundrels.

I agree.