So, the SDMB app is faltering. Which two forums do you save

If the SDMB had an unrepairable glitch that would only allow you to read two forums from here on out, which two would you choose?

This hypothetical assumes they would all still be there being contributed to by Dopers who chose them, it’s just that YOU couldn’t access them.

TLDR: what are your two favorite forums?

ETA: Mine would be GQ and Cafe Society I think.

My favorites - IMHO & MPSIMS

Mundane and Pointless by far. Then The Pit to assuage my contrary side.

I’d stick with GQ since it is the reason I originally started posting to the board since I live for answering and asking questions. Second would be MPSIMS since it a non-aggravating place to go.

I could live without P&E or the Pit, only started going there because of the big orange cheeto (still can’t get the acronym right).

Great Debates and the Pit. I’m only here to argue with strangers.

No you’re not!


Yes, I am, and so’s my wife!

Thank you, good morning!

GQ and IMHO.

May I change my vote ? MMP and IMHO. Drop my Pit vote. Thanks

The Barn House and Straight Dope Chicago

GQ and GD

If running with the naif, self-aggrandising vision that I am contributing to the stated purpose of SDMB then it needs to be GQ and GD.
The others are just there for us to be sociable and/or blow off steam.

P&E & MPSIMS for me.

Those are my picks, too. There are a number of forums I never visit and wouldn’t miss at all: debates, politics, both games.

I’d keep Great Debates and IMHO.

I’ll keep Cafe Society and the Pit.

IMHO and Cafe.

“New” and “Latest”.

The Pit, Politics & Elections.