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Abandoned goslings and ducklings at the Peninsula Humane Society’s wildlife center (with pics).

Little baby ducklings and goslings are always so cute!

They are so little and fluffy and cuuuuuuute. Want a gosling.

Oh, they are adorable! I grew up near a little city park that was always packed with adorable baby ducks and geese this time of year. Seeing a little flock of fluffies is always nostalgic! :slight_smile:

Baby pygmy hedgehogs are cute, too.

Me too! They’re even cuter in person, because they make the cutest little “beebeebee” sound. My parents used to have an apartment near a pond with nonmigratory Canada geese, and their goslings were always so cute. I would take leftover bread to the pond and feed the goslings.

I’m afraid to go in the Tractor Supply Company stores during spring, because they have a variety of chicks and ducklings and baby bunnies. Chicks and ducklings are adorable, but baby bunnies might be THE cutest things on the planet. And I start thinking about how I could get some pens and keep them in the back yard. Then I think that Bill might very well divorce me.

Whenever I see that word I always think of Ryan Gosling. But I pronounce it “goose-ling”, because its too confusing otherwise