Getting Older and Plucking Hairs

I am 55. Middle aged, that’s what I call it. As I get older, man, hairs start appearing where I don’t want them! I’m talking above the neck. But I’m not talking about the wiry gray hairs that are salting the pepper of my black head hair. I’m talking about…

Eyebrows: man, these new eyebrow OFHs (old fart hairs) come in stiff! Not soft like the other eyebrow hairs I’ve had all my life. I’ve gotten to where I will use a fingertip to feel my eyebrows and see if there’s any new, stiff OFHs that’ve moved into the neighborhood. If there is, I pretty much have to go get my tweezers and pluck it out immediately. Like right fuc#ing now! OFHs? NIMBY! Or, not on my eyebrows!

I just did that, just now. Thought I’d share here. A new stiff OFH that was barely 3mm long, above my right eye. I found a mirror, felt and looked for it. And plucked it! My Swiss Army knife that’s always with me has handy tweezers. Yes I pluck those OFHs!

Sometimes I see old guys who let their eyebrows grow and grow. Long and bushy. That is nasty. Sometimes I want to tell them to trim that 5hit!

Ears: OFHs have been growing there for years. At every haircut I ask the barber to find and trim them. But sometimes I’ll feel for and find them. And when I do, same thing, tweezers and pluck!

Sometimes I see old guys who have hairs growing obviously from their ears. That is nasty. Sometimes I want to tell them to trim that 5hit!

Nose: these are the worst, because plucking them is not fun. I tried a couple of nose hair trimmers but I didn’t care for how they worked. So again it’s a pluck, but that sometimes causes an eye to tear, or a sneeze. Ouch, but they gotta go!

Sometimes I see old guys who have obvious hairs growing from their nose. That is the worst! Nasty. And yes, sometimes I want to tell them to trim that 5hit!

My fear is that as middle age gives way to old fart, that these OFHs will come in faster and faster, and I’ll be overrun by them. And then I’ll be that old fart walking around with OFHs out my eyebrows, ears and nose, and some @55hole will come up to me and say, “Hey old man, trim that 5hit!”

And I will deck him.

Heh. My boss was only in his 40s at the time, but he tended to grow wiry longer hairs in his eyebrows. I went on automatic one day and just leaned over and pulled one of them out. :eek: I still can’t believe I did it and neither could he, but luckily we got along fine and he didn’t get too upset about it. More like dumbfounded on both sides.

I got bad news for you.
You are just starting to see the distance rumblings of what will become an avalanche.
Welcome to man club, every follicle on your body, even the ones you did not realize actually grew hairs, will come online and begin mass producing OFH’s
Slowly they will even replace the non OFH’s

Trust me, you can not pluck that much

I suppose you might try taking estrogen?

Hilarious! Glad it went well.

I will pluck and pluck and pluck. I will be a mother-plucking machine! Before I give in.

Estrogen? FTS. :smiley:

It’s bad enough that new hair begins to sprout out of places it shouldn’t while the scalp hair falls out and/or turns color, but the fact that one’s near vision goes at the same time, rendering one unable to see the new “volunteers”, is the final irony.

Of all the hairs to go gray on me, why did it have to be the nose hairs? Now it’s always obvious if I need to trim them down.

This is one of the wife’s pet peeves as well. She makes me sit for inspection regularly, so she can trim/pluck/mow any eyebrow OFHs. The ear and nose versions are my responsibility, and she got me some very good clippers to take care of those. Eternal vigilance and regular mowing are the only defense.

I know a guy who is kind and funny and a genius, and he is MADE of OFHs! He actually has a thatch growing on *top *of his nose. **gigi **would have a field day. Me, I just stare and wonder why.

I call this process “2nd Puberty”.
For the first time in my life, I decided to grow a beard. Mainly because I noticed a few grey hair coming in. I thought to myself: “Oh cool! I can have one of those “sexy” salt and pepper beards.”

Only to find out that the grey hair grow much faster and longer than the black hairs!:smack:

I mean, I have a beard trimmer, but still.

Maybe that’s it – the vision goes so we can be blissfully unaware. I say “we” since women are plagued too. Where there was no hair yesterday, an inch-long grey hair now protrudes.

I have some nose hairs that, I swear, glow in the dark.

Yes, I have one hair that keeps growing right on the bridge of my nose, where no hair belongs. Just one hair. I keep yanking it out, but it’s persistent.

I gave up with the plucking. As an old woman, I just shave my chin.

Hey we’re a plucky group, aren’t we?

My wife regularly threatens me about my eyebrows. She says if I don’t trim them and keep them under control, she will take care of it while I sleep.

Plucking? Ouch! Invest is a good trimmer with several attachments - one for the nose, one for the ears, etc., and use it each time you shave. It’s the only way.

Of course, I get revenge by walking around the house with a nose-hair trimmer deployed while carrying-on a conversation with her. :smiley:

Trim that 5hit! :smiley:

While eyebrow wax tends to be harder to find and is most often found around women’s cosmetics, mustache wax works just the same and guys - you should use it.

Tip-of-the-nose hairs are the worst. Plucking them all will cause much pain for days, and invariably, several will end up ingrown. This causes more pain and grief. Shaving them is painless, but the ingrown thing applies. Snipping them short is the only compromise.

Here’s an old thread to show it’s not just an old person thing.

Only GiGi gets it? :confused:

It’s a beautifully designed system :smiley: