Giraffe neck tie

Y’all are approaching this from an entirely wrong perspective. It’s not a matter of top or bottom, it’s a matter of coverage. Just as a human’s necktie covers more than half of his neck, so does a giraffe’s. Giraffe neckties are about four feet wide to accomplish this. And a giraffe wouldn’t wear a skinny human-style tie any more than a human would wear a four foot wide giraffe tie.

Same answer, different reason. Belts go around your abdomen, and do not extend from your asshole to your sternum. That’s just crazy.

I voted Top. Logically, the tie should go around the bottom of the neck, of course. But seeing the two photos, the top looks better, esthetically.

He might if he was playing in a Cars-like New Wave tribute band.

Not a Human League tribute band?

Why not? The tie says it all.

So which instrument would the giraffe play in this Human League tribute band? And would the band be called Animal League or is that too on the nose?

I was prepared to say the bottom, but after I looked at the picture, I voted top.

The bottom leaves the tie to swing between the legs. That’s just wrong.

I vote top. Your illustration is unfair because the top-positioned tie is too short for the giraffe. If it extended to his belt like it’s supposed to, the top tie would look better in this picture too.

I’m now confused and undecided about a problem I didn’t know existed. God, I love the internet.

If worn at the top, it would get tangled in tree limbs during meals. How gauche!

A tie covers the chest not the neck. Using the wrong sized tie in the pictures doesn’t change that.

Actually, its function during meals is another reason to wear it at the top. If worn at the bottom, the giraffe can’t wipe his mouth with it.

The bottom looks like “been working ten hours and is a little disheveled” giraffe. I definitely say top.

Even more gauche! That’s what napkins are for.

A tie covers the chest of a human. The anatomy of a giraffe is fundamentally different, and I think it’s a mistake to apply the same rules in both cases. The pertinent question should be what looks best on a giraffe, and the answer is clearly on the top.

Geez, next you’ll try to tell me that blowing my nose in my tie is gauche too.

It’s obviously the bottom.

It’s a tie. Not a noose.

Nonsense. Here is a picture of a horse wearing a bespoke suit.The entire chest is not facing forward but that part of it that is is covered by the tie. The giraffe has a similar anatomy with just a longer neck.

Of course it’s gauche. You’ve been using the tie for a napkin. You don’t get snot all over your napkin!

That’s what your sleeve is for.

If it extended to his belt, it would have to wrap under his stomach. Both your logic and answer are wrong!

Another vote for me