Global warming is A-OK (or, the happy world of Adam Yoshida)

Oh, Yoshi, Yoshi, Yoshi. For those of you who don’t know him yet, Adam Yoshida’s blog is like the distillation of every jingoist American warblog ever - and all the better by him being a Canadian. Yoshida’s also been a prolific Usenet poster, and I encountered him first time in the soc.history.what-if group, which he participated in and which I lurked, and still lurk, in. Yoshida’s always been a few hundred steps to the right to Attila the Hun, but his latest screed might surpass every wacky proposal he’s ever had, including destroying the Chinese economy, harassing every anti-war liberal in the States, and immediately nuking North Korea.

It, quite simply, is a []defense]([url) of global warming, on the grounds that while it would wreak terrible havoc on every part of the world, it would be somewhat less destructive to the US than to the enemies of US, which, to Adam, is the rest of the world. With passages like “The Angel of Death passes over the land, smiting the wicked and ungodly Kingdom’s of sin which defy the will of America while leaving the righteous American Republic standing, untouched and mighty” and “And if, in the end, the United States has the need for more water or energy, it could always coerce Canada into providing it and, failing in that, it could simply conquer Canada”, Yoshida once again goes above and beyond the call of duty in proving that from a certain perspective, John Ashcroft is a flaming Red.

Now, one could say that Yoshida’s just a harmless ranter on a corner of the vast Internet (and let us fervently hope he stays that way), but from my perspective he happens to be a particularily amusing - and somewhat disconcerning - one.

Oh bother, I seem to have screwed up the link. The correct one:

Did they ever figure out if the weather would get warmer or colder in the aftermath of global warming? Because it makes it warmer, I’m all for it. I’m really frickin’ cold this winter. Would DC be more like Florida? Cuz I could deal with that.

Brings a smile to my face watching all those SUV’s warming up in the parking lot for fifteen minutes.

I believe that depends on where you live. I vaguely remember reading an article recently on CNN’s web site that mentioned that one effect of global warming is temporary inactivity of the Gulf Stream current. (Something to do with the partial melting of the northern ice cap). While the Gulf Stream is inactive, northern Europe and the Northeastern section of the US will get a lot colder.

This is apparently an event that often happens at the peak of the inter-ice-age periods, so mankind isn’t necessarily the culprit here - it’s just something that happens periodically.

As sevenwood said, overall global warming has the potential make some places much warmer and others much, much colder, as well as altering global weather patterns in other ways. (Different prevailing winds, different amounts of rain or snow, things like that.) It will not result in an immediate change to happy temperate climes for anybody. Seriously.

Hmm. Considering I have a minor icedamming problem up on my roof at the moment, I’m in no mood to consider the possibility of what the Gulf Stream shutting down might do. (I’m in Northern NJ, smack in the middle of the Northeast Corridor.)