Go Ahead...I Can Take It.

Well, that explains a lot.

Great floor. But one-piece baseboard doesn’t belong anywhere near that old face-nailed, wide-plank flooring.

Couldn’t you have asked the kid to get out of the way so we could get a better view?

That is indeed an incredibly cute kid. Good on ya for taking your lumps to share teh cuteness. You’re a man among men my friend.

Hal, it took a lot of courage posting that, knowing how wild and wooly it was about to get.

I’m surprised there aren’t more posters flocking to this thread.

Cute kid and costume.



Awww, such a sweet little lamb!

Sorry. She really is totally adorable.

What a cutie!

(And here I thought you were going to pull the wool over our eyes somehow…)


Luvs it :smiley:

It’s the beard,** kopek**.

First, the littlest Briston looks like she’s having TONS of fun, isn’t that the point? Second, I’m now suffering from cute overdose. Bad Hal! Bad!
Last year, The Nephew got to be a little star. I don’t remember what was it this year, but half the course got to be one thing and the other half a different thing. Cloth-by-the-yard stores had run out of the required kinds of cloth within 24h of the announcements.

The strange thing is: every year, they do the exact same thing, and they’ve been doing if for at least ten years. I’ve suggested setting up a hand-me-downs network for the disguises; apparently, only a few people were doing that. My school books used to go to Luis, then to his sister María, then to their cousin José Luis, then to their friend Miguel, then they came back for Middlebro, then they went to Miguel’s sister Anica, then back for Littlebro; sometimes the edition changed somewhere, but most teachers didn’t mind so long as the differences weren’t very big. It’s the kind of setup which only works if everybody showers, but so long as everybody does, it works beautifully.

HOw is it that such a cute kid has such a pugly father? Hal, you must be adopted, or something.

Nah. She just takes after her mother. Baaa…