Pretty sure, if all the moving parts line up, that I’m going to be adopting this little furry ball of cute dogness this weekend.
So there.
Say she is not absolutely adorable, I dare you.
Pretty sure, if all the moving parts line up, that I’m going to be adopting this little furry ball of cute dogness this weekend.
So there.
Say she is not absolutely adorable, I dare you.
You could level a major city with that much cute.
manly squee
Oh my gosh, what a cutie! We will require more pictures. Hope it all works out!
OK, given the lead-in I was expecting cute. I was not expecting that level of cute. Congratulations on a completely adorable addition to your household.
This 300lb, 6’4" viking clone just about melted when he saw that pic! Lots and lots of squee, indeed!
And, she has a stick. That’s important.
Yeah, the stick sells it. Otherwise she’d just be unbelievably cute.
I am automatically in love with any dog carrying anything up to and perhaps including a severed human limb.
That is one cute puppy! Although I must warn you my Dammit Sally looked very much like that when she was a wee one. Now I have a tunnel halfway to China in my backyard. But she is still very cute, even as a crazy-digging-machine adult.
Don’t show me that! Now*** I*** hafta get one (or 7). Rescue pup?
Who’s a cute widdle doggie? You is!
That’s not a real dog. Nothing is THAT cute.
The trouble with puppies like that is the interminable hours you’ll need to spend teaching them to be perky and frisky and getting them to lick you with joy and all that. Who has the time?
Pure evil.
“Aren’t you the most vicious, evilest puppy in the whole world? Yes, you are. You are!”
Squee! Squee, squee, squee!
Do you know what kind of breed/mix/whatever she is? Because seriously. Squee.
Agreed. The stick must be included. It completes her.
Rescue pup indeed. Currently in a foster home after being removed from a county animal shelter.
It’s been a few hours since I posted because I think I overloaded on cuteness, and may have blacked out for a while.
Not positive, and neither is the rescue group that pulled her from the shelter. They have listed her as a Schipperke and Cocker Spaniel mix, but they were very honest in that they really don’t know. She may grow up to be 10 pounds, she may grow up to be 50 pounds, no clue. And I don’t care. She is about 6 weeks old, so no clue how much growing she has left to do. A schipperke is usually around 15-18 pounds, a cocker maybe a little more than that.
Okay, are you ready for this, She is one of four.
Yes, I know only three are pictured. The fourth was at the vets office (probably getting a cuteness booster shot) when the pic was taken.
I am just silly happy that it seems like this is going to happen. Rescue group has contacted my vet for a reference and is trying to schedule with the foster family a time for us to meet this weekend. It’s a 6 hour drive for me, but I’d drive cross counrty for more of this.
If anyone wants info on where the other three are up for adoption, PM me.
Furry bundle of squee, indeed!
I don’t “see” any Cocker at all… Schipperke ,ok ,maybe even purebred… Oh,and SQUEEEE!!!
Too cute by half. The Schipperke is a tailless breed in AKC. That little carrot shaped tail says there’s some terrier in the mix, to me. What a bundle of smarts wrapped in impishness you’re going to bring home.
Warning: Do not open picture while operating heavy machinery. :eek: