"Go to first new post" link unreliable

I’ve noticed that the “Go to first new post” icon that appears next to each thread you’ve previously visited that has new posts seems to be unreliable. The most common case is for it to lead directly to the final post of the thread, skipping over any number of other posts made in the interim which I have not seen yet. I have also seen a case where I’ll read the thread, click back and some time later hit “refresh” and see the icon show up again. Clicking it a second time leads me to the same post it lead to earlier. This may be due to a limitation on how often the “most recently read post” database updates or whatever. Is this a known board limitation? Are there any plans to make this work properly? It is a rare event to have the button work properly.

Tap tap tap Is this thing on? Can I get some sort of response? I’ve seen this issue both on the forum indexes and through the subscribed thread list in my User CP. Surely I’m not the only one to have noticed this problem…


“First new post” is based on the “you last visited” time just under your handle in the upper right corner. This can be updated even while you’re actually browsing the board. That’s why it’s less than optimally useful. And it’s always been that way, because that’s the way the board software works. I agree it’s a pain, but the vB people don’t seem to be doing anything to improve that particular problem…