God go with you always

Since I have a certain habit of recklessness, I just gave Libertarian a call at home (I also have his phone number). He’s doing all right, but he’s taking a break from the boards. That was his way of saying good-bye for a while. I told him of people’s regard and concern for him, and not to scare us like that again! :smiley: I also told him we’ll miss him.

I’m glad this one was a false alarm.


“a while”

What’s “a while”??? Man this sucks!

“I have a routine to keep LIB! I know your still lurking, so I know you can hear me! I get up, read the comics, read Lib, then the rest of the boards… then do some ‘real work’… Ya right!” :rolleyes:

Seriously though, we’ll miss ya Lib! Everyone needs a break sometimes, make the best of it!


How long is a break? Also, did anything happen, or is he just involved in other things?

Nice one, cj. If you’re talking to him again, give him my regards.

Love ya, babe! Have your people call my people!

::Racing around the house and shaking out all the dirty clothes::

AHA! Success!!!

Lisa, waiting for the collection basket to be passed around.

Thank you for calling him, CJ.

I like Libertarian a lot, but would it have been that hard to say “I love you, but I’m taking a break from the boards for a little while, see you later”? He had to know a lot of people would be scratching their heads wondering what he meant by this cryptic post. Although I’m sure he would say there was nothing cryptic about it, that he said what he meant and he meant what he said and that’s all there is to it.

I love a bunch of you guys, but I’m not naming any names, because then there’d be all that afternoon special bitterness, and the next thing you know, somebody’s letting the air out of somebody’s bike tires, and things go downhill from there.

So. Love good.

Oh, and Lib?

When come back, bring pie.

He’ll be back. I must say I enjoyed his company more this time around. He seemed a happier man. I look forward to his return.

And yes, thank you CJ.

You know, in the 1990s, women will have robots to say “I love you” for them!

This just ruins my day… :frowning:

Nope, no god’s gonna be hanging around and cluttering up my head, no matter how much he may love me.

I was going to email Lib, but as it turns out I’m not able to :frowning: .
We miss you!
(Pretend I said that in a manly way :smiley: )

Hope you at least have a chance to read this eventually, Lib, because I’m crazy about you and have been enlightened in so many ways by your posts. I’m looking forward to your return, so don’t keep us waiting long.

The weeble says…“Aw, Rats!” :frowning: