Good idea or bad idea

Please don’t remove the frogs from their habitat. Dangerous or not, illegal or not, the fact remains that many frogs are endangered. Please don’t contribute to the decline of these wonderful creatures.

I have not read this thread at all. Just the title. The general rule: it is a bad idea. I shall now proceed to read the thread.

It’s dangerous to scuba alone! Take this!

See, you were completely wrong. I think it is a great idea although he seems to expanded the scope of the expedition to actually capturing an alligator now to raise as a pet. Cute.

A tiny kitten might help a bit -you can throw it at the alligator and distract it while you run away. :smiley:

While the county/parish may allow feeding… Parks, wildlife refuges, etc will forbid it. So you’d have to be on private property.
But it’s unwise either way.

You’ll never know until you try.

A very good idea. Alligators are very afraid of cats and will retreat back into the water.

“Cats be crazy, man.”

Interesting. I had absolutely no clue that they could be agressive or dangerous (they crossed the Atlantic long ago and found European rivers to their taste)

Bolding mine. One of the great pieces of wisdom I’ve picked up in my life is that when everyone says something is a bad idea, it’s a bad idea.

I like your spunk, e.fred. You’ll be missed.

That’s the kinda bad idea that makes other bad ideas feel a bit better about themselves.

nitpick: those are crocodiles. gators are only native to the u.s. and china.

the alligator/cat video kinda pisses me off. sure, it turned out funny, but it’s just luck that the gator didn’t swallow that cat whole (not to mention the kids that were running around).

Did you stop to think that the gators in that video were VERY ‘familiar’ with people? If I had to guess, and from watching the video, it looks like those alligators, were in fact, ‘residents’ of that particular place, and extremely used to people and the associated happenings that took place. I would also hazard to guess that those gators were probably fed on a regular basis, by the people that ran that business. (It certainly looked like a business. As in, a ‘take a ride in a swamp boat and see the wildlife’ type of business.

did you stop to think that no matter how used to people they are, there is no such thing as a domesticated gator and letting your child and animal so close to it (while the cat is provoking it) is an extremely poor idea?

I wasn’t implying that the actions filmed were a good idea, just that the actions being filmed were probably something that happens on an everyday basis, there.

You probably only have to lose one or two cats and/or kids before they stop doing it.

We can only hope!

Well, there’s another potent potion, ya see, that counteracts the effects of the first one, just in the froggies. It all makes perfect sense!

I’m wholly unsurprised (Batman) that the OP has not returned to report on his experiences in frog-gathering. I wonder what the delay is…