coming to?
Have any of you read this story? Girl, 6, shot, killed, in school.
I read the story, thinking it had to be fake, it had to some sort of hollywood thing that isn’t real.
How could something like this happen? What the hell is going on?
You send your kids to elementary school, assuming they’ll be safe. Sure there may be the occasional skinned knee or bumped head, but that’s part of being a kid.
But to get shot in the neck and killed? That’s outrageous!
I am not usually prone to emotional outburst, but this article made me literally sick. I couldn’t believe what I was reading, I was actually distraught.
Isn’t there something we can do about this?
Moderator-If you need to move this, okay, I didn’t know where to put it.
how did it start? well i don’t know i just feel the craving. i see the flesh and it smells fresh and it’s just there for the taking…
“Winners never quit and quitters never win, but those who never win and never quit are idiots.”
Thanks Unc, I was thinking that someone posted about this already, but didn’t see anything right away.
Anyway, according to the article I read (see link above) it seems as though the gun was reported as stolen.
So how in the hell did the kid get it? I think this is the crux of the matter, here, as the whole thing gives rise to obvious gun control issues.
So I guess I want more information and have been unable to get anything deeper than the article on
Any news? Any details?
how did it start? well i don’t know i just feel the craving. i see the flesh and it smells fresh and it’s just there for the taking…
“Winners never quit and quitters never win, but those who never win and never quit are idiots.”
Lexicon: When last I heard, the police were waiting outside the boy’s uncle’s house, for a search warrant to be approved. They think that may be where the boy got the gun.
I’m just sitting here waiting for the 11:00 local news to come on. Last time I checked MSNBC, they were talking about the primaries. The local news wil probably devote the full half-hour to this.
I’m still pissed off. I expect I’ll be pissed off, well, forever, since I’ve got kids now. What am I going to have to do now, frisk my kid’s friends before they come in the house?
Changing my sig, because Wally said to, and I really like Wally, and I’ll do anything he says, anytime he says to.
“It would appear from the investigation so far that there may have been some sort of scuffle or quarrel on the playground the day before the shooting between this little
boy and this little girl,”
WTF is going on? I know I am not the only one outraged by this, it seems so ludicrous. I feel like Fezzini in the Princess Bride…
I keep thinking that something like this is impossible. Yet there it is, staring me in the face.
Someone please tell me this is some kind of sick joke.
A playground “scuffle” in the first grade?
What kind of scuffle on a GD playground results in a shooting death.
Having worked in a few bars over the years I have been in plenty of barroom scuffles, but have only been shot at three times. And they missed every time!
I know I seem to be raving, but I can’t get the “How? Why? Huh?” out of my head on this issue.
Please, Merciful father, stop all this senseless bullshit.
It sucks.
how did it start? well i don’t know i just feel the craving. i see the flesh and it smells fresh and it’s just there for the taking…
“Winners never quit and quitters never win, but those who never win and never quit are idiots.”