Good protest signs.

If Trump tries to obstruct this investigation yet again, I will be out there (locally) with my torch and pitchfork. Only without the torch and pitchfork. I’m thinking a sign would probably be more appropriate. So far I’ve come up with only one that maybe good. On my 6 month old grandson’s stroller:

TIL that a kakistocracy is not what is in my diaper.

But that seems long and a little esoteric. Any better ideas?

I wouldn’t have a torch near a stroller, but the pitchfork works for me because (profoundly horrendous joke coming) it would get the point across. :eek:

I’m goin’, I’m goin’. No need to shove.

Definitely too esoteric.

Sorry, I got no good ones.

I’ll be joining my local demonstrations as well. My favorite protest sign seen so far this year was pretty simple: “Where to start?”

“I’m so angry I made a sign”

To the love it or leave it crowd: I LOVE America. You I hate.

Trump fought the law and the law will win!

On the stroller: “So tired of ‘winning’ that I need a nap”

Yet again? That makes the assumption that there was a first time. Cite?

You know what, there’s plenty o’ threads for discussing that. This is a thread for coming up with good signs when she goes to a protest.

Taking off on/from the favorite one from my youth ------ Beat Trumps Hair Into a Plowshare.

“Down with this sort of thing.”
“Careful now”.

“Will Protest For Beer”

  • Rent This Space -

For the win !!! :cool:

Since we’re now submitting favorite, non-cause-specific protest signs, I’ve always liked:

“Moderation! -or Death!!”

This one. Older women from NY are the biggest Trump haters around.

One sign I saw at the Women’s March in DC last year— carried by a white Anglo-looking dude:

First they came for the Muslims
and we said

It put a great smile on my face.

I was in a protest so packed, I couldn’t move. So all there was to do was stand on tiptoes and try to catch a glimpse of good signs. Amongst some good ones (“War Is Not The Answer” and “Love Trumps Hate”), saw a cartoon scribbling of Trump’s hair, and underneath: We Shall Overcomb

This sign from the Women’s Marches is still the best ever created.