Good SECOND date activities?

Dinner-and-a-movie is a good all-purpose date, but not for the first few dates; at least not the movie part, because you can’t talk and get to know each other, which is the main purpose of the first several dates.

On the other hand, meeting for a meal or drinks is something I’m frankly growing tired of. Who has some better ideas for second dates?

Wish I could help…I’ve never made it to the second date.

Old E and a whole lot of condoms? :wink:

How about going to a musuem or out to a place with mini-golf or something?

Some good second dates I’ve had:

A hike at a local state park
Seeing the Globetrotters play
An impromptu evening of dancing in my living room to the radio (I had a blast)
Church (My favorite since I’m a Christian)

amusement park
LAN game (okay, I’m a geek)
paintball (it’s at least different)

My second date with my husband was beach-walking and dinner. He told me all his funny stories and I laughed myself silly. I think that was the day I knew he was the one.

Hopefully, on the first date, you’ve found out enough about the person to figure out something you’ll enjoy together.

For instance, next weekend the CBSO (Could Be Significant Other) and I are going to pick an interesting part of the city, and go on a photo safari together.

And, of course, there’s always bowling.

Find out what events are going on in your area (concerts, plays, festivals, etc.) and go there. Approach your city / town like a tourist. Get a guidebook from your library and plan your date around some event / activity / landmark that seems interesting. You may be surprised at what your town/ city has to offer.

Go to a batting cage or driving range.

Helping to fix the furniture you broke on your first date.


I haven’t dated since the mid-80’s. Sue me.

Miniature golf always works for me. :slight_smile:


Make up stories about them. Where they’re going, where they’ve been, what sort of lives they lead, what they’re thinking at that moment, etc.

All good suggestions. Some of them wouldn’t work on a weeknight, which is what I had in mind (my weekend afternoons are usually full), but they’re all good ideas.

Miniature golf had occurred to me, as I enjoy it myself. But do women these days? Do most people? I almost can’t bring myself to do it, because I can’t abide hearing the tired old joke about “hitting a bogey off the windmill” even one more time.

err…I suppose “sex” is a bad answer? :wink:

Just had my first date in a long time night before last, and last night was the second date.

We watched half of a movie, and put together a computer, and snuggled and talked while Windows was installing.

We’ll probably play computer games next time around, or go out to a movie, or have dinner, or all three. Who knows, I’ll see when I get there tonight. There’s also the kids’ science museum, the planetarium, or even just going out to the park or the apartment complex lawn to play Chinese checkers or something by candlelight.


[grabs notebook and pen]

Hmm… nice hike seems nice. Let’s see: I have local places to hike, a ready supply of money, and an endless supply of nice conversation topics. I can impress girls with my qualities. I’m able to reveal my inner feelings. I’m all set. Now all I need is a girlfriend… Even a nice platonic friend would do the trick.

Two or three hours of Cartoon Network, especially if the Powerpuff Girls are on that night. Actually I can’t think of any date that wouldn’t be good for, but I’m somewhat eccentric, never mind me.

Does the breakfast after count as a second date?

A friend tried kite flying with a new date recently. Bought an inexpensive kit, put it together and tried to follow the non-helpful instructions. Neither had done it before and they had a great time being silly.

I second the museum trip, but go somewhere like a Natural Science museum that has a good kids section… and go play with all the toys :slight_smile: [sub]me & the SO did that early in the relationship and we had a blast[/sub]

I also like the idea of a hike and picnic…doesn’t have to be a major hike, but go outside on a nice afternoon and maybe impress her with your fantastic sandwich making abilities.

Go to a really silly, touristy spot in your local big city. Act like tourists and take lots of pictures.

If you enjoy it, that’s good enough – you want to see how she tolerates doing something that might not be ideal to her, after all. And it gives you two something to do besides scrape the bottom of the Conversation Barrel.

And besides, anyone who doesn’t like miniature golf is someone you should seriously reconsider… :wink:

I like mini-golf. It’s a good opportunity to goof around and see if he can deal with my clutziness.

One of my favorite early dates is to go to dinner and then wander through a big bookstore. There’s usually a lot of conversation starters to be found, and if I can’t have a conversation about anything there with him, there won’t be another date.

Also good:
walk outside/short hike
hanging out with a group of friends