Good Thoughts for my Uncle, Please


My favorite uncle has cancer. He’s in his 40s, and has been a heavy smoker for as long as I can remember (almost 20 years).

They found it first in his head (not sure where - not the brain), and then found “spots” on his lungs last week. Well, the “spots” on his left lung turned out to be a mass, pneumonia, and the effects of lung collapse. I’m not sure what exactly they plan on doing - I keep getting accounts third hand from my mom, but things just don’t look good right now.

So, if you have a chance, please send up a prayer, think good thoughts, light a candle, or whatever you choose for my uncle “JR” in Michigan.


Sorry to hear this. All best wishes sent his way.

Prayers on the way.

And how are you doing, Avarie? The Dope is a great place to get some feedback for emotions. Though it’s only cyberspace, I’ve found it to be populated with some very real and quite caring people.

So, post away whatever may be on your mind.

My best wishes to you, J.R., and your family.


Sending good thoughts his way.

NoClueBoy, thanks for asking.

I’m at work right now, so I have to carry on, sally forth, and all that crap.

But it’s really scary. He’s only in his 40s for Jeebus’ sake! We only get to seem him a few times a year. His hometown is like a 6-7 hour drive (never been there), so it’s not like I can go up there to see him. Thankfully, two of his siblings and their families live close by and have been physically there for him.


Gotta wait until I’m home to say much else, or I’ll be a blubbering mess soon.

I’m sorry that this is happening to your family. :frowning: I have definitely prayed for him. My suggestion, if you haven’t already done this, would be to start doing some web research to try to gather the latest info about his treatment options. Things may seem bleak with traditional approaches, but perhaps there is a clinical trial he can participate in that might offer some hope. Here is a website where you can start in learning about clinical trials:

Best wishes to him and the rest of the family.

I’m sorry that this is happening to your family. :frowning: I have definitely prayed for him. My suggestion, if you haven’t already done this, would be to start doing some web research to try to gather the latest info about his treatment options. Things may seem bleak with traditional approaches, but perhaps there is a clinical trial he can participate in that might offer some hope. Here is a website where you can start in learning about clinical trials:

Best wishes to him and the rest of the family.

All the best to you and your family, Avarie. Good thoughts coming to you and your uncle.

Well, his health has taken a turn for the worse.

They did a PET scan yesterday, and the cancer is everywhere - brain, lungs, organs. They kind of suspected it because his lymph nodes were swollen earlier this week.

My mom and aunt are driving up there tonight, and I’m going too (I’m sure my husband will come). He may be released this weekend, but that’s only because there’s not much they can do. We do fear that his time is short, and I’ve got to go see him. I’m his little Weedhopper, after all. (That’s been my nickname since I was young. I grew like a weed and bounced around like a grashopper.)

I’m going in to work today late to do as much as I can and stay as long as I can. I’ll be OK so long as nobody asks me too much.

Dopers are the best.

Go see him.

There’s nothing like the touch of a loved one. You all need that.

At work today, to avoid getting too emotional, talk like a pirate. An added benefit is that everyone will think you’re insane.
But, if you do get weepy and teary, do not be embarrased by it. When your heart is hurting, you need to be able to let your body react.

All my love, -NCB -

Sending thoughts and prayers his way.

Well, we are at my aunt’s house in Elkhart, and I must say I’m happily tipsy!!

Unfortunately -

When we got here this evening, my mom and aunt had already arrived. Mom told us that he had been told that he’s got anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months left. There’s nothing they can do other than keep him comfortable through pain medication during the time he has left.

I have also been told that because it’s all been so sudden that he’s not up to seeing his nieces and nephews yet. Well, frankly, he’s got so little time left that if he doesn’t see us soon, he won’t. It’s not my place to make these decisions for him, but I’m afraid he’s trying to “be strong” for us or trying to shield us from the pain of reality. Too frickin’ bad. I haven’t seen him in months. Plus, I know how to use Yahoo people finder and!!!

I’ll bring him strawberries and a bowl of sugar. Just like I used to get from Fox’s Deli on College Avenue. And say goodbye.