Goofing on the Boss

In the phone book, I once found a Harold Dick.

A friend’s grandmother mentioned a guy she knew named Dickey O’Toole.

One of my HS teachers was Rich Crook.

I can only imagine the T is for Tian.

I know a Richard Width.

I helped a customer today by the name of Richard Gay.

Like the skier.

When I worked in publishing, one of my editorial colleagues worked with an author named Dick Passwater.

Now that’s just wrong.

Two of our local weathermen are Ken Cook and Glenn Burns. Hotlanta, indeed.

But in the town where I grew up, there’s a man who lives down the street from my parents. His name?

Dick Whanger.

They even have a nice wooden sign hanging from their porch that proudly proclaims “The Whangers”.

Every single one of you is making this shit up. :smiley:

I have it on the best authority (well OK, weak, flimsy secondhand rumor) that there is a gynecologist in San Francisco named Dr. Kuntz.

When my best friend’s family moved into my neighborhood, they bought their house from Dick Beiter (Biter).

What’s really amusing is that this was posted by a guy whose screen name is Hugh Jass.