Google image searches on colors: Surprising results!

I did google image searches for colors, and looked for ‘interesting’ pictures that showed up-

Green: Naked women playing golf :eek:

Blue: A drawing of a topless elf

White: A Jenna Jameson action figure, who is holding a giant candy cane in one hand and squeezing one of her boobs with the other :eek:

Pink: A pink stinkhorn (very phallic looking mushroom). Dunno if the pic has been manipulated, but if not…:eek:

Red: Some monkey’s bright red ass :stuck_out_tongue:

Brown: Close-up shots of nasty ulcers from getting bitten by a Brown Recluse spider :eek:

Also under green is this giant, mutant radioactive lobster! Run for your lives! :eek:

Uh…I looked up “green” on yahoo images, and one of the images was of goatse…

not my fault! :eek:

I was totally goatse’d today. I searched for a picture of Che Guevara and found one that I liked…but when I clicked on the link…

Well, it wasn’t Che Guevara. :eek:

Viva la Goatse! :stuck_out_tongue:

still waiting for the T-shirt

Some horrible disease that’s all in French.

Gray – scroll down and witness the creepy naked guy wearing hornrims and hugging a stuffed bear. It’s worth it. :slight_smile:

Azure – scary group of children in blue leotards. Evidently some kind of dance troupe?