Wee tiny little icons instead of visible to the naked eye pictures like on the front page.
I’ve got XP home, IE whatever the latest is, and this just started. It is just me, or does everyone see little dots that they must click on to view? How do I fix this?
And, while we’re at it, how does one link to a single (full sized) pic in Picassa instead of the whole album?
Thanks for your patience. I’m very new to, and clueless about, taking pictures and putting them online.
I looked at the page and your thumbnails seem fine. Only in slide show do I get a full picture and the show will not advance.
I have never had this problem.
What size picture did you actually upload?
What do you use to upload? ( Picasa on your computer did it for you ) or ( you opened your picasa account and selected pictures from you computer to up load) or (other)
Seems to me you have chosen some setting that is blocking most options but I have no idea which one. I have no trouble.
Getting picasa to let you hot link to a single picture is easy but there is still picasa info.
The single picture.
How I did it.
[U-RL=“http://picasaweb.google.com/Dragon43/08ToyRun#5274222025727486258”]The single picture.[/U-RL]
The whole album.
How I did it.
[U-RL=“http://picasaweb.google.com/Dragon43/08ToyRun#”]The whole album.[/U-RL]
Without Picasa stuff. This might not work for long, I think after a few hits, picasa blocks it… We will see.
[U-RL=“http://lh6.ggpht.com/_dhRsv7QUKHI/STHM_QYHKTI/AAAAAAAANjs/V2M8bGMShhU/08toyrun01.jpg”]Without Picasa stuff. This might not work for long, I think after a few hits, picasa blocks it… We will see.[/U-RL]
I upload my pictures at the final size I want them to be. ( example = 600 X 450 pixels at 72 KB ) {so folks on dial-up don’t have to wait a long time to see them} I don’t put up originals at 3200 X 2400 pixels and 3200 KB for a lot of reasons, YMMV
Look at your settings and let us know what your are actually doing and using and maybe we can help.