Got a Homepage?

Post it here! Also, please join the SDMB Regs Ring webring! The code is very small :slight_smile: It looks like this:

<table><tr><td><a aref=“;id=1;prev TARGET=_top”><img
src=“rrprev.gif” width=“20” height=“85” border=“0”></A><a href=“;list TARGET=_top”><img
src=“rring.gif” width=“45” height=“85” border=“0”></A><a href=“;id=1;next TARGET=_top”><img
src=“rrnext.gif” width=“20” height=“85” border=“0”></A></td></tr></table>

Join here ---->

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site:
The Teeming Millions Homepage:

no it doesn’t look like that, it looks like the example on the page. Man, pasting HTML into these things just never works!

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site:
The Teeming Millions Homepage:

Sheesh! The thing changed my sig! I changed it back…let’s see if it works…

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site:
The Teeming Millions Homepage:

Well, it’s not my homepage, but it has lots of stuff written by me and I’m the chairman of the group, so I think it’s close enough to qualify :slight_smile:

I did it, I joined the ring. I hope my (very) humble page is a worthy addition.

The url is

Yes, I am aware my training wheels are showing :slight_smile:

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

Joined the SD Regs Web Ring, but the Ring Master, whoever that is, hasn’t cut in my ID yet (I guess it’s been about a month).

Common ¢ for all ages…
“Well, there was that thing with the Cheese-Wiz…but I’m feeling much better now!” – John Astin, Night Court

What are you talking about?;list You’re in the ring and have been for quite a while :slight_smile:

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site:
The Teeming Millions Homepage:


I’m sorry.

You’re right Opal. I had been checking the referrer stats on the page and hadn’t seen anything from the ring–the catch being that I had my links mixed up and was using referrer stats from the wrong web site.

The things you do when you’re in a hurry!

Thanks Opal! {*}

Common ¢ for all ages…
“Well, there was that thing with the Cheese-Wiz…but I’m feeling much better now!” – John Astin, Night Court

Well my home is kind of informal for a page.

I have got a French maid’s costume in the back of my closet though.

No, it’s not my size, it used to be though.

I don’t have a whole website all my own yet, although I’m going to do it if I ever get a moment. However, I do have a cooking tips forum at:

Drop by with your most vexing culinary questions and I’ll do my best.

Live a Lush Life
Da Chef

I am planning a page for the near future…suggestions anyone for the content?

I was thinking pics of family, links to my hometown, and my old highschool, scooby doo, by brothers site, etc…

all suggestions welcome!!
I just wont do a beating heart background and a pic of me half dressed with Kelli + who-ever and my lover…its been done :wink:

here is my page:

Chief’s Domain

i hope you like it!

Allan’s theory page:

Designated Optional Signature at Bottom of Post

Heres my page on geocities. Not very fancy but you can go see it. The link about me isn’t up yet (Dont worry it will be soon :). A few others arent up yet either so dont think i wrote the wrong link.
Oh and the name i chose for geocities is related to the title of one of my conlangs (look for the “languagex” link :)).

Kellibelli, definitely do a website! I do sites for a living, but making your own is so much more entertaining…

It’s a great way to give your family access to new photos of kids or events without having to get a grillion prints made.

My collection of information on Watership Down, academic information on angels, and my artwork:

“I guess it is possible for one person to make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”

It’s in my sig. Comments/suggestions always welcome. I 'll join the ring soon.
My School:

JMcC from SFCA <fixed link!

I have used Chef Troy’s cooking forum and have gotten good answers to my cooking-related questions. Give it a vist.

Contestant #3

My homepage (all about me and my friends ‘n’ family):

My Rocky Horror Website:

I’d like to join the webring, but I’m wary. I tried joining the RHPS webring, and they never wrote back. Maybe it’s a sign?

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.
– Henry David Thoreau