Do you have a homepage?

Why not join the SDMB webring? It’s a small set of graphics that form a circle about the size of a quarter, and link you in with other dopers! It’s way easy, just go here

fill out the form, and then add the code to your page (remember to upload the 3 gifs onto your site!)

Doper Unity!!!

From an actual catalog: “Disco balls create an enchanting, dazzling effect of light shafts, adding movement and glamour to any occasion”
the Abrams’ bris was certainly memorable
O p a l C a t

Unfortunately the web ring software collects information on the users, which I’m not comfortable with.

right on Singledad.
another reason i wouldn’t put it on my site is to protect the board. (don’t that sound noble?) my page is hacking-related, and the there have been enough problems around here. that’s also why i didn’t list this site on my links page (i forget who asked me that)


My Web Page:SMITE WARNING it may offend you.

They don’t collect any info that could really affect you though, unless you give it to them. The statistical (general) info doesn’t really have any personal info, and the other stuff you can fake. I mean, in the “Name” field I always put “OpalCat” not my real name. You could put “SDMB Member” for all I care ;). You can put a bogus email address if you want. Since I’m the one who manages the ring, if you put as your email address I’ll go ahead and add you to the ring anyway.

MANY sites collect info like IP, OS, browser, etc. I’m sure this site does it too. No one goes in and picks out individuals though. If you want to see the typical kind of use of this kind of information, see a report on my own site, which describes accesses to my homepage for the last two weeks:

As you can see it isn’t threatening at all. (It is totally your choice, I’m just giving info.)

Here is what webring says about the whole issue:


                            WebRing collects information from all Visitors to our site, including IP
                            address, operating system, and browser software. Using your IP address,
                            we can determine your Internet Service Provider and your geographic
                            location. This information reflects the population as a whole rather than
                            focusing on individuals, and we use it to identify the most popular Rings,
                            portals and other areas on our Web site and evaluate the effectiveness of
                            our promotional activities.

                            We also use this information to perform statistical analyses of collective
                            characteristics and behavior, so we can measure overall Visitor
                            demographics and interests regarding the Site. For example, we disclose
                            the aggregate data to advertisers to inform them of the number (and
                            characteristics) of people who have seen and clicked on their

                            WebRing does not collect the e-mail addresses of people who
                            communicate with us via e-mail; we use the addresses only to respond to


                            Personal identifying information includes:

                                 Home or other physical address

                                 Phone number

                                 Any other information that identifies a specific individual

                                 Any information which, when tied to the above listed specific
                                 information, can identify a specific individual.

                            The only personal identifying information we currently collect is the first
                            and last name and e-mail address of RingMasters and Ring Members. We
                            collect this information at various locations throughout the site, including
                            Create a New Ring and Join an Existing Ring processes. We give notice at
                            each location that asks for personal identifying information, and such
                            information will be used only for the purposes stated at the location of the
                            collection, and/or within this Privacy Statement. When we collect personal
                            identifying information, you will always have the choice of whether or not to
                            provide it. However, you may not be able to receive certain of WebRing?s
                            services without providing the information requested.

                            We use this information for administrative and other purposes that we
                            believe are necessary to maintain, improve and enhance our services.
                            Such uses include data transmission, surveys of our Members conducted
                            by third parties, sending e-mail messages to all of our Members. We may
                            use third parties to provide these services.

                            WebRing fully cooperates with law enforcement agencies in identifying
                            those persons who use our services for illegal activities, and we reserve
                            the right to release personal identifying information about Members when
                            we believe our services are being used unlawfully even without a subpoena,
                            warrant or court order.

                            We do not control the actions of our Members or Visitors. If you disclose
                            personal information on your Ring or to others, it may be collected and
                            used by others. WebRing does not assume any responsibility for actions
                            of those other parties.

                            When you join a Ring, personal identifying information is also collected by
                            the RingMaster. RingMasters are independent of WebRing, and are only
                            permitted to use the information collected in order to administer the Ring,
                            and to send messages to Ring Members. If you believe that any
                            RingMaster is misusing personal identifying information please contact us

From an actual catalog: “Disco balls create an enchanting, dazzling effect of light shafts, adding movement and glamour to any occasion”
the Abrams’ bris was certainly memorable
O p a l C a t

I have no problem giving my info. Who’s going to bother an inoffensive nobody like me?

It was my reading, however, that anyone who clicked the link would have their information recorded. So I would have to post a disclaimer… it’s getting too complicated, so, I will pass. I appreciate your efforts, however. :slight_smile:

Oh, y’all are being goofy. My page has been on the webring for about a year now, and nothing bad has happened.


“What Would Captain Planet Do?”

SingleDad: no, the only information they collect is from YOU when YOU join a ring or create a ring. You fill out the form, then it takes you to a page that shows you the info you’ve collected, and says “we collect this info” and you click “agree” and that is that. It doesn’t collect info from people surfing the ring. Whoever told you that was high.

So it isn’t complicated at all, no disclaimer is needed.

From an actual catalog: “Disco balls create an enchanting, dazzling effect of light shafts, adding movement and glamour to any occasion”
the Abrams’ bris was certainly memorable
O p a l C a t

I stand corrected! :slight_smile: Joining up now! :cool:


Not true! I visited your page and I got a virus in my computer that erased my hard drive! Then it reprogrammed my ATM card with the nuclear launch codes for the US nuclear arsenal and I nearly started WWIII when I tried to buy gas! It reset my refrigerator so my Tofutti ice cream melted and my soy milk turned into soy cottage cheese! It shaved “Kick me” into the fur on my cat Fred! It anally raped my mother while pouring sugar in my gas tank! And then it body-slammed me.

After all that, I don’t trust them thar web rings.

Okay, that needs to be nominated for something.

oh barh.

i tried to sign up, and it said it didn’t work. so, i tried again and now i have two id #'s.

if wishes were fishes, we could walk on the ocean.

I’m in it; ya don’t see any complaints from me!

Mayor of Snerdville, the home of Mortimer Snerd

“I’m just too much for human existence – I should be animated.”
–Wayne Knight

Opal, a question.

My web site is targeted to family at this point. Would anyone else be interested in photos of our kids?

I do have some genealogy links, and our best recipes, but it seems that I’d just be cluttering up the ring with stuff that’s of no interest ot anyone else.

Right? or Wrong?

OldBroad - WRONG!!
I, for one, would LOVE to see pix of the kids. And you can never have too many recipes :slight_smile:

OpalCat - Thanks for the info! I never knew the web ring existed. As soon as I get my poor excuse for a homepage up and running, I’m gonna sign up :slight_smile:

Hur hur hur… ::whispering:: pictures of kids… hur hur hur

Damn thats creepy when you read it the way I wrote it.

Where’s my side of FUN!?


Hey Opal, AOL Easy Designer wont let me upload the pics. Have any advice, or HTML help? Is there any way i couldcode them into the original HTML? Cause I really want that up!

Where’s my side of FUN!?


Actually, Ophy, here’s some pics of my little girl.

I have a few web sites. My first big one was opened in 96. I think about 20,000 hits the first year. Now we get about 400k-1M+ per year. I made some powerful enemies, though. tsk

Nice site Handy… I need to drag mine out of the mothballs–I’ve ignored it in favor of the technology sites for too long now. Maybe it’s a good excuse to fool around with Trellix.

Opal. I checked the ring links on my site (ID = 10) and both “Prev” and “Next” take me to the login screen. Nothing has been changed with respect to the HTML on the page, and the ring manager shows my page as being on the ring…any ideas?

“If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.”
“Well, there was that thing with the Cheese-Wiz…but I’m feeling much better now!” – John Astin, Night Court

OK, granted I was using Composer to edit my site from work, but I got the images on, and it appears they are not linked to anything. I copied them directly from my notice that was e-mailed to me. Opal, help! (or anyone else…)My Site. The image is on the bottom.