Got questions about the One Ring of Sauron? Get your answers here!

Tuckerfan’s started an MPSIMS thread about the hobbit fossils found a few years back, which naturally has begun to include some LOTR wisecracks & discussion. Rather than further contribute to the hijack, I thought I’d open a new thread.

The Nazgul had worn their rings so long that they were permanently in the Unseen Realm, regardless fo whether they were physically wearing the rings or not. At the time of the Ringwar, their rings were in Sauron’s possession.

As to the question of whether the One Ring had an extra oomph–well, yes, as it was meant to rule the Seven that went to Dwarves, the Nine that went to Men, and the Three that went to Elves (and Gandalf). As Sauron was involved in the forging of the first two groups, he was able to influence them whether the One was in his possession or not. But he had no power over the Three unless the One Ring were in his physical custody.

Any more questions? (And I hope Qadgop, What Exit?, & Company will ride to my rescue when my knowledge is exhausted in, like, 4 posts. :wink:

Eight years in the troupe and I’m still in the chorus? :mad:

*That would be the Geek Chorus, of course…

Does it come in white gold?

Why a ring? Why not a pendant, tie tack, or belt buckle? For that matter, why not a money clip, pen knife, or tooth cap?

Oh, good grief.


Qadgop, of course, is the greatest of our little tribe. But there’s also you, What Exit?, well he’s back, Terrifel, Elendil’s Heir, and 19 other people I’ve forgotten.

Nope. White gold is an alloy of gold & platinum, and in Arda, platinum diffuses magic rather than holding enchantments in the fashion of gold. White gold only works in universes where the protagonist is an unmitigated, raping dick.

ETA: I should have written platinum, palladium, or nickel.

You made a wrong turn in the Multiversal Paniflex. You want to go back and make the next LEFT after The Lamppost, then a right when you see the pirate ship. Should be about three pages after that.

A pendant is way too girly for a Dark Lord. Do you really think Sauron would wear a tie? Belt buckle is far too NASFBR (National Association of Stock Fell Beast Racing). Money clips are useless in a coin-primary economy. Pen knife? Have you seen the sword he carries? Pen knife?! And finally, dentistry on Arda consists mainly of lengths of twine and heavy doors. No such luck as caps.

You’re doing fine so far, Skald. I’m sure you and jayjay can handle most any query that heads your way. PM me if you need me. :wink:

BTW, here’s FAQ of the Rings if anyone needs it.

Oh, that’s no fun, Doc.

Well, okay then.

I believe that a lot of the One Ring’s extra ‘oomph’ comes from the Morgoth Element inherent in Arda. The One Ring allows someone sufficiently powerful to tap into all that stored badness. Arda was itself described by JRRT as “Morgoth’s Ring” into which The Constrainer himself poured a lot of his native power.

And I think The One Ring must have had at least some mithril in it. That and unobtainium.

How do you figure? I never got the impression that mithril was magical in the sense as the Rings, or even the Palantiri. It’s magic in the sense that the “devilry” Saruman used on the Hornburg–probably gunpowder–was; simply a technology that the Shirefolk, Rohirrim, and Gondorians didn’t know about, but not in itself supernatural. The potion that the Orcs give Pippin & Merry while they are captives to enliven them is probably some highly caffeinated beverage. Is there reason I should think otherwise?

ETA: I agree with you about the Morgoth Element of Arda being the primary source of the Ring’s power though. I wonder, was it also responsible for the abilities of the Three?


It happens every year during the holidays - every jewelry store at the Gondor Galleria (or Shops at the Shire) have a One Ring in their front showcases. How do I know a real One Ring from a fake one? Also, would it be cheaper to buy the mrs. a Two or Three Ring?

Are you possessed with an inexplicable urge to possess the Ring in question? Do you briefly consider murdering the shopkeeper to get it for yourself, and everyone n the shop just to be on the safe side? Are you posting from a cave deep beneath a mountain range where you took refuge to keep the ring safe after doing so?

I like mithril. Thereby it should have mithril. :wink: Besides, it wasn’t the substance of the rings that made them ‘magical’ but rather how they could be used as tools. As Sauron was originally a Maiar of Aulë, I’m sure he was well acquainted with making interesting alloys. Idle speculation on my part, is all.

Prolly not, but not sure. JRRT said the elven rings were unsullied & their powers given over to healing and arresting of change, and not for domination of others, and were therefor good “in a limited way”. As such, I don’t think they could use Melkor’s might to achieve those ends.

But the elves’ purposes were not ‘wholly good’ per JRRT either, as they wanted to stop Middle-earth’s "change and history, stop its growth, keep it as a pleasaunce, even largely a desert, where they could be ‘artists’.” Think Lorien and Rivendell as Art Colonies.

I still think this whole “ring thing” wasn’t well thought out. A ring goes on a finger, which as we saw, is an easily severed body part resulting in loss of the ring. Now if he had gone with the “One Buttplug” it would have been much, much more difficult for anyone to deprive Sauron of it. Most would, in fact, be reluctant to even touch it. Making it of appropriate size would have prevented a hobbit-sized creature from using it at all.

“He went to Celebrimbor’s!”

Ah, but like the One Ring, the One Buttplug’s size would have adjusted to that of its user. A handy feature, no? Don’t you wish your buttplug did that?

Gad! Can I rethink this whole “joining the forces of Light” thing?

I don’t doubt there are such things with such features even now, in our own world, lying in wait…